Thursday 8 June 2017

Weird roleplay thing post ma-bob

*casually logs on to AJ*
*notices new den, is shocked that AJ cares about the underwater still*
*goes to buy it, but then realises it diamond and had just wasted his diamonds on skunk tails for my raccoon*
*cant be bothered*
*thinks, I knew about world ocean day, I'm special*
*notices spam on my jammer wall because I don't have a claw machine in my den*
*makes another raccoon*
*goes on my storages to buy skunk tails*
*has 4 skunk tails*
*feels a million dollars*
*goes to a trading race game-thing and wins a brown pirate sword and a white diamond short collar*
*is happy*
*goes to write post on this weird blog*
*quickly sees page view count and realises I need 3 more to reach a thousand*
*is happy*
*writes post*
*signs off*
See ya!

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Spikes in my mail

Sorry this post is late (as ever), I got caught up stalking old animal jam blogs and YouTube channels. I found this hardcore challenge blog, that did a monthly giveaway if you answered a confuzzling maths equation.

Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to

But today I got two SPEIKZ IN MAI MAIL!1!!1!1!
One was from a friend, and a rare pink short collar (wow, so, tiger, if you happen to stumble across my rubbish blog, thanks)
And one was a blackout wrist from a stranger that messaged "happy spike day", so I presume they watch viofy.

My leg feels weird. I'm weird because I feel my leg.

Unsuccessful trading my nerds away for a headfeather today, I must've got lucky last time, though hopefully not. I've herd of headfeathers fetching up to a bad long, but honestly, I just want to keep mine, and nerds around a bad long wrist, which may decline as they're an adventure prize.

Why have do I have the pink panther theme tune stuck in my head?! It's been 3 years since I watched an episode, thinking of that, I might watch another soon.

I've seen loads of people throughout this community wanting pride flags, so I went out my way to make an American rainbow flag. I made it, but then remembered that AJ GLITCHED MY ACCOUNT SO I CAN TRADE ART!!! And their email support is practically useless. They've been "sorting out" my account for 4 months now.

I can't think of anything else to write about, if I do, it'll be in a new post.
See ya!

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Meh. Dang, I've already used that title before. Oh well, this'll do

I don't remember writing that post earlier named tired.
I don't remember anything earlier than 12 O'clock.
All I can remember is waking up at around midday, under a table, with colouring pencils spilled around me, a doodle on my hand and a Doctor Who hoodie layed over me, I was weirded out.
Then I swear I fell asleep at the piano.
I'm so tired.

Anyways, I was debating with my friend about spikes in jamaa township, I pointed out that all spikes are as common as each other. Then this jammer, Thejunes, but I will refer to him as "idiot A" and his friend, let's refer to him as "bystander B" start screaming at me because they think I'm wrong. So they walk over to someone wearing a magenta furry, black long, black long wrist, white tail armour and rare black bow and arrows, lets refer to them as "rare idiot C" said they weren't. Then idiot A and bystander B started calling me some really inappropriate and racist names, that I won't include because this post is already pushing the boundaries. So, I blocked and reported them. I could tell they were trying to tell me something, so I just kept on repeating "that's rich coming from you".


I got a real desperate overtrade for my dark blue fox hat earlier. Yellow-taped nerd glasses, a giant seal plushie and a readers sofa that I'm not bothered about. I was about to give the nerds to my friend, as it was their dream item, when they suddenly jam-a-grammed me saying they'd got it for a worn. So, I'm'a probably trade the nerds for another rare headfeather.
Yea, we chatted, then I taught him how to annoy die-hard roleplayers in Serapia, by screaming "I DIBS MEDICINE DEER, HUNTER, ALPHA, WARRIOR AND YO MAMA!!1!1!1!11!!!"

The meh between each paragraph, meh.

We go back to school tomorrow :(, but after that, it's only 4 more weeks. I know all you Americans have already left for summer holidays (vâçätïøñ).


I was chatting to this person, that seemed edgy, and he said "bak here in America, its hot an me and my only brother play the PS4 most dayz"

Then he proceeded to tell me that his only brother had been caught up in the London attack the other day. HOW COME HES IN AMERICA LIKE YOU JUST SAID?!?!!
And, you wouldn't be playing AJ, you'd be in the hospital with him.
People disgust me.

Anyways, got nothing more to write, but I want to tell you, it may not be 2 or 3 posts a day for a while, cos' of school, but I'll try to do 1 or 2.
See ya!
100 page views in 2 days, kewl. Meh.
I'm  mainly bothered about entertaining people though.
Meh, I like that word, meh.
Meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh

Monday 5 June 2017


I'm tired. The whole house is asleep until 3 more minuets. Then the alarms go off, and everyone is awake. Yawn. I had a really rough night.

I don't know what to talk about, I just want to write.
But I need something to talk about.
I'm considering ranting or conspiring, but I cant be bothered.
I want to draw, but I don't wanna' get out of bed.
My stomach hurts.
It's cold.
I'm cold.
The duvet on the floor and I've only got a quilt.
The only things that I can move seem to by my fingers.
I'm comfy.
I'm happy.
I'm tired.
Wait, the alarms are starting.
NOOO! I'll have to get out of bed.
I feel like this is turning into a creepypasta, so I'm gonna end it here.

See ya!
            ~Yawnsiringly henrythegreat4

How to make an item look rarer than it is, without lying or scamming

I'm bored. So I've done this post, testing out an apparent theory.

Method 1)
Put it on a trade list with a bunch of rare stuff.

Umm... this doesn't work.

Method 2)
Put it on a look with a bunch of rare stuff

Kinda' works, could do better.

Method 3)
Put a junky rim on trade and scream "doing trade attempts for (insert junky rim here)"

Ooh! Kewl I got traded 4 other junky rims. Which I can recycle and get gems from, kewlness.

This post was a waste of time, meh.
See ya!
Wow, 23 Greek people have read this blog. Hello there Greek people!!11!!1!1!!
O my life. 60. Page views. Today. wow. I'm. Scared. Is. This. A. Hack?

Why we can't have nice things

I've been planning this post for a while, but have only recently been bothered to gather the information.

I really don't need to explain this one, because:
A) you already know
B) this is a children's blog

The original medical centre 
There was a bed in it, so, yea.

Y'know the Julian2 incident (topiaries mating)

Squash chair
People use this for, you know, mating, but in an even more inappropriate way.

The original skullies
All these things are about mating, ok?!

Meh. Was a super-duper rare, glitched item around 2011. It appeared orange, but when put on an animal it would turn white. I could best discribe this item as...

Ok, you figured the last one was fake.
But seriously, all these creeps are ruining it for us.
This post was way shorter than I thought it was, ah-well, I already posted earlier.
See ya!


Ok. I'm scared. This is creeeepy. So far today, I've got 48 page views. Let's put that into perspective. My maximum before was something like 19.
LOSTFAIRY AND NAFARIA, STAY ON HOLIDAY! I'm becoming popuuular! Kęŵłïø.
Now I need 150 more 'till I reach a thousand (which will happen if you, yes you! Keep coming here, forever and ever).

Anyways, I just happened (ye right) to come across viofy and a jammer with load of RAREZZZ talking. The rare one said, lets go to your den, so they both went. And I just happened to come in with them. They started chatting, I joined in, and they taught me stuff about RAREZ that I didn't know. Apparently, there are only 11 yellow phantom rugs in the game, and Aparri owns 3 (so, totally not predictable) and there are actually about 15 pares of magenta candy cane socks, when I used to think there were only 2. Then they both went AFK, then I lagged out, then meh.

I made a cringey "meh." drawing today, so yea, meh.

I learnt the script for the lion king (our school play), and I will totally give someone a cookie if they know who says this line:


This contest is totally-legitimate-and-real-and-definitely-not-trying-to-get-lots-of-comments-on-this-post-so-I-look-Këŵł :p definitely

When I do this face :p I feel like naffy. And naffy. Has a bunch of fans so :p :p :p :p

Anyways, I'll probably post later if I can think of something.
See ya!

Sunday 4 June 2017

Fidget spinner

I just wanted to quickly say, but you know the new triple innertube? I saw it on the Animal Jam wiki, and someone had vandalised the page so it said:

This item resembles a cheap, knock-off fidget spinner for $3. Its a knockoff, so it doesn't have any bearings or the middle thingy-mabob, so it cant unfortunately spin.

That was copied and pasted! Łęł.
But someone made it sensible about half an hour later

Today I posted a lot, because, well, I feel bad, people checking back here everyday to look for a post, then you not getting anything.

See ya!
Wow I'm actually getting close to 1000 page views.
Well, I'm off by 208, but still.

Anyways, I've been wondering why AJ is making itself seem so modern, when, on the world map, jamaa township hasn't updated since beta testing. THE FLIPPING GONG IS STILL THERE. Still, I kinda' like that little feature, even if it was purposely there.

Wow, I didn't realise how many art competitions I'm entering.
I'm entering 2 Moshi Monsters ones (I used to play it, I haven't been in in 3 or 4 years, but I still get promotional emails) to win "goodie" bags that I'm not bothered about, all I'm bothered about is being noticed and have my design get made graphically.
One to win a yellow long SPIEK collar (NOM NOM NOMEEE - if you're new here, you won't know that I'm very weird)
One to win a yellow short collar

Well 4 isn't loads, but still.

And he waddled away, waddle waddle waddle, 'til the very next day.

By the way, Sneezy77, if you know about this rubbish blog, and are reading this, I not only feel sorry for you having to put up with this, but I want to know why you didn't post on your inactive blog. We were annoying die-hard roleplayers together, *cries intensely*
.. dramatic music plays ..
No, AdmiralSneezyLlama! You gave in to... to... to... MINECRAFT
(I actually really like minecraft since pocket edition updated to 1.1)
But this is not a minecraft blog.

By the way, last thing, I swear that practically all animal Jam blogs are called "the animal jam (insert animal here, mythical beast, or common word).

Anyways, that's the whip!
(Jk, I'm not Nafaria from 2013)
See ya!


I feel sorry for you guys. You'll have to read this blog whilst Nafaria9 and Lostfairy are on holiday. MWAHAHHAHA!

Yesterday I came back from a camping trip thingy-mabob, and the journey back was PURE TORTURE. We had an 8 hour train journey back, and a bunch of drunk, old ladies were shouting out the lyrics to JUSTIN BEIBER (eww) calling him a true classic. Luckily they got of around halfway - outside a bar - so I slept in peace until we got back.

Today I convinced my friend to play AJ (she hadn't gone on in 2 years) where she declared that she was quitting (łęłëłėł) and gave me her star rug and 4 carnival rares.

Meh, on holiday, we took a mile walk through the woods to go to the beach most days, and I "totally" forgot that I was allergic to seawater. I come home with massive rashes and a few blisters. Ah well, it was worth it.
I hired a canoe so I could go in the sea, and this girl asked me if I could have a lift.
I said:
"Ummm... I'm not a taxi service"
And that's when she started to land the F bomb.

Oh, and by the way, I want to give a minutes silence so we can think about the fallen and the victims in the Manchester bombings.


Phew, that took a while to write.
Mai fingers hurt.

Ok, ok blogger, I get it, my post is long, that why your glitching.
I'll go shout at blogger then write a new post.

See ya!

Monday 29 May 2017

* when you get one of your dream items in an under trade, you put it on, and it looks rubbish *

It's just...

Life's been a hell of a ride lately.

I've broken my leg.
Schools been dishing out more homework than ever, even though we've done our exams.
I've got to learn 50 or so lines for the school production.
Arts been taking over my life.
My eye problem has been getting worse, and I need to exercise them an hour a day.
Hay fever has started early this year, and its come strong.
I'm packing for a holiday tomorrow.
My fish have been getting their tank dirtier and dirtier, yesterday I took a photo of a tissue covered in dark green algae.
And I do manage to hold on Aj each day, but most of that time is spent not doing anything productive, I chat or paint.
I prefer rain to sun (I'm weird), and the sun is strong, and burns me a lot because I have weak skin.
I'm not getting any time to blog.
I've had this recent obsession with The Lion King, were I have to draw Rafiki and Sarabi over and over.
My broken finger has just healed.
I'm doing weird art with old socks and fidget spinners - don't ask.
In literacy we're doing creative writing, and it's not creative at all, we're just rewriting a video.
Water fights with my brother are becoming more and more regular.
I've got sleeping troubles.
I have more headaches than not, due to my eyesight.

I'm paranoid.

So yea, a rollercoaster that seems to be going downhill, with little jumps up.


Thursday 25 May 2017

Omg, I never realised how long it took to get a silver and gold elf tail armour in the new adventure.
I've got way too much silver and not enough gold.
I promised to get my non member friend one, and she must feel so happy.
Ah-well, I'll carry on tomorrow.

Anyways, I love the coyotes but I don't have enough diamonds:( (to be honest, that is my fault because I did buy I lion yesterday so I could be one of those annoying people that sing Disney songs)

Uh, loads of this update is fake news, so I'm'a end this post and go on pay wild (as king bean calls it, jk, I'm not that die-hard).

See ya!

Wednesday 24 May 2017

The Lion King

I'm really considering making a an AJ film, the lion king, with crazy editing. But I'm afraid it'd take about 2 weeks just to prepare before filming, a week or two OF filming, then about a month of editing. No, I don't just have a spare two months laying around.

Today I was at a sporting event (I won't say what it was because STALKER ALERT), and in the queue for southern fried chicken, was a boy that looked like Aparri. He just stared at me as I walked past, it was so creepy.
But here's why I think it wasn't him:

1) why would he be in Europe in the first place?
2) he wasn't ugly enough
(The last one was a joke, don't hate - I know die-hard Aparri fans will, but I don't really care)

Recently I've been getting better at trading. In the last three days I've gotten a purple short collar and a green short wrist. I traded both away for masses of carnival rares because I like investing.

I've no idea what else to write so...
Wait! I got the part of Mufasa!
But a really annoying girl got Sarabi (Mufasas wife), so, well...

Anyways, I gotta' go breathe ("my excuses are SO original")
See ya!

Friday 19 May 2017

Do-do-do-doo-dooo do do dad doo.
In the jungle the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.
Awimbawe amwimbawe amwimbawe
Do do do doo do do da do doo

Yes, for our school production we're doing the lion king. I'm going to audition for the role of Mufasa. Because, he's cool.

Anyway, I just wanted to post, telling you's I'm not dead, I'm just a bit busy at the moment.

Awimbawe, awombawe

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Club penguin

What's that song called? Urgghh
Do dooo do do da, do dooo do da, nevermind.

Today I have a very pressing issue to talk to you about.
No, really, I do.
When something like this happens, it just tragically amazing.
Just about half an hour a go, the person that created club penguin, posted a picture on instagram showing his daughter playing animal jam with her friends. She looked so happy. I honestly found this amazing.

Anyways, short post,
See ya!

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Codes + randomness

Yea! In da house boiz, 700 pageviews! Uh-huh! I bet that sounded so weird.
So, I found out all the codes for the readers stuff.

Couch: Getready2jam
Chair: aj4ever
Lamp: paws4friends

Today I actually found out why Julian2 did to get suspended for a bit, and I can't say I blame AJ. I really can't get it out of my head, but I can't show you, because probably all of you will be kids, and well, I'll probably would get suspended myself. And we don't want that, do we?!
(Well, if you hate me, and if you find me annoying - which you probably will do - you won't care)

Yes, the new SpinnyBoi is out, but because I'm a diverse bean, I always put the outfit on a wolf, mainly to annoy the dedicated spinnyboiz that take over Aparris den all the time.

I saw some amazing minion memes today (yes, so off-topic):
"Stop acting like you know everything, unless you're google, in which case, carry on"
"I don't care about what you think of me, unless you think I'm awesome, you'd be right, carry on"
"I hate it when I walk in to a restaurant and the waiter asks me I I'd like a table. No, I'd like the floor"
"I hate it when someone knocks on your door and asks if you have a toilet. No, we pee in the garden"

The randomness.
My fingers getting better as we speak, yay!

Anyways, I'm just yapping on,
See ya!

Monday 15 May 2017

Eleventh tongue

It's surprisingly hard to use a fidget spinner with a broken finger.
Don't do it, it hurts.

Anyway, because I have nothing better to do, I'm gonna' write this post in the eleventh tongue (posh old English)

So, todayeth, I saw, yonder through the worldeth of jamaa, some fantasticeth arteth. I was, like, OMGeth. By the wayeth, this posteth will probably get weirdeth.
I've really gotteneth into drawingeth I.R.Leth, I just like doing iteth. I've wastedeth, likeeth, 5 biro's.
Soeth, in result of thateth, I'm not playing the AJ to mucheth,
*crieth hardeth*
Anywayseth, I haveeth no ideaeth wereeth this posteth is goingeth,
See yaeth!
                 ~henrythegreat4(eth, hehe)

By the way, I may have eleven tongues, MWAHAHA


Hi asked me to, so I did.
New, short SWOAJ post up!

Friday 12 May 2017

Umm... sorry 'bout the posting. I just, well, had tests.
And then, it was SOO cool, they took us out for pizza in the park afterwards.

Anyways, I love the snowflake arctic wolves.
But AJ messed up one thing, just one thing. What happened to the good ol' jamaa journal,
"Don't replace something if it's not broken"
It not a journal, now, it's a billboard.
But most of this update is fake or old news.
They added platypuss as the new egg pet, I did some research. I'm gonna' make a bunch of blue eggs, then hopefully one will hatch as a platypus, and I can name it Perry, "phineas and ferb reference".

Anyways I knew this post would be short, there may be one coming later in the day if I can remember to post it :p

See ya!

Tuesday 9 May 2017


More official school tests, urgh.
I should be posting again by Friday.
See ya!

Saturday 6 May 2017

100th post special

I need to make an announcement for my 100th post special.
I'm quitting blogging.
It's too hard, time consuming and...

(I bet I fooled no one)

But, i wanted to say, recently, the views have been racking up, which is good. Before I used to get, 'bout 3, nowadays it's about 10. I know, I know, that's really, REALLY petty, but hey.

I actually got gifted a orange short from this random stranger. I was SOO happy. :)
I made a snazzy look with it too.
So, what to do, what to do.
Ah! Yes.

So I realised that top hats will only be here for one more day, so, i'ma do the reasonable thing.
Waste all my gems on them then seriously doubt myself.
(Won't we all do that)

I watched the VidCon trailer for AJ, and what AJ said in the comments DISGUSTED me.
People were asking why Julian2 wasn't coming, and what was answered?
"He's traveling with his family"
Quoted BY AJ.
We all know the real reason. Just come clean about the topiary problem. Once you do that, then forgive him, I'll be happy.

So, I don't actually know what's "special" about this post, but hey.
See ya!

AJ fails

*casually decorates his den, then realises that he actually has time to write a blog post*

Hello, welcome, welcome to my blog.
(I know, I know, I sound stereotypical)

Umm... yesterday I did a massive doodle on my arm (as-per-usual) when I realised I did it in a sharpie. I asked around jamaa (it was really awkward) and came to the conclusion to use nail varnish remover. It worked, but it was so embarrassing asking my mum for some.

Today, I will be sharing my Animal Jam fails.
(These are in no particular order)
(Disclaimer: I didn't come up with this idea, I got it from "The Animal Jam Glimmer Galaxy")

1) so, I was roleplaying, my friend somehow convinced me, and I was adopting a "child". Well, this child fell down the stairs, broke her arm, went into the MICROWAVE while it was on. She even had red splotches as "blood". Me and my other daughter were just so shocked. She (my sensible daughter) jam-a-gramed me telling me to dump her off on the side of the road because she was ill in the head.
Then, there must have been a moderator watching, because suddenly the "annoying child" disappeared, and I had bubble chat for 2 days. So, I hope that baby was banned.

But anyways, I had bubble chat, and then suddenly, I got logged out of my account repeatedly. I was scared as BLEEP. But, then it stopped. So, I go over to my friend to tell them, and, oh, bubble chat. I quickly changed my password. I'm pretty sure nothing was taken though, luckily.

2) I was working on this detailed art, it had taken me half an hour so far. I go and get a milkshake, when I come back to the computer, oh, "you were gone for too long and logged out, click 'ok' to play again", the thing is, I didn't use to save my art every time a left the computer.

3) uhh... I don't know, umm...
Oh yea! I remember, this one is a small one though.
When you wait for a party, go away for a bit, then realise that you overshot it by a few minutes.

Anyways, 100th post special coming out tomorrow,
See ya!

Friday 5 May 2017

Oh no! The Aparri outro is stuck in my head! I must do something kind, so it gets out. I know, give non members top hats, like I did earlier! But really, I know this is cringeworthy, but other people smiling makes me smile. Plus, I recycle the junk, and get a profit, voila!

Today's post is kinda' going to be a rant thread.
Scratch that, the community is too negative.
Today I'm going to be talking about the good things in AJ.

Those people who don't make stereotypical arctic wolf looks,
Seriously, we need more people to play as the bunny and the owl, and be creative (I know that word might be a little hard for some of you to process)

When you have a friend, and you find out that they're famous,
This has happened to me twice, the first time I had a buddy called "eewoof" and they gifted me an awesome masterpiece of a Labrador. The second is my buddy, "chloethebanana" an amazing artist, but only recently I found out she was famous, on instagram I saw loads of fan art for her.

When you're writing a blog post and you can't think of another list point, so you write something witty,

Anyways, gotta' run,
See ya!

Thursday 4 May 2017


*When you have a song stuck in your head but you don't know the lyrics*

So, it's the Hatapalooza. 
Executive 1: lets combine 2 popular items!
Executive 2: Spikes and Top hats!
Executive 3: and lets make it diamond!
Executive 4: We should actually make a new item!
*AJHQ kicks Executive 4 out the window*
Executive 3: I hope he didn't destroy my car's bonnet.
*Executive 4 lands on Executive 3's car bonnet*
Executive 3: HE WILL PAY!!!!!!!

But seriously, I've never owned a top hat, and I think they look cool.

So, I found my friend by the top hat stand, and we were chatting. She seemed SO pleased because she was accidentally in a sethyy video. Then some stereotypical arctic wolf says "Sethy jus copys Aparri". Then I quote that "Aparri is a mindless zombie that sells spikes" and 2 die-hard fangirls get involved. One says "DONT SAY THAT!!!!!!!" So, to annoy her, I say it again. Then, suddenly, my wifi cuts out and I'm logged out, I was so worried that she was a hacker or summat'.

Disclaimer: I didn't mean anything what I said about Aparri, I don't like him, but I only said that to annoy that boy and those girls.

But the top hats are all I care about, I know I should be "amazed" by the eyeballs, but honestly, I don't care 'bout them.

But, I feel that half of the Play Wild! Update was just an advertisement. I then I go and get this ugly blackout spike. Sheesh, this ain't 2012 (old players will hopefully find this funny). But 5 SAPPHIRES A DAY! I want an arctic wolf on AJ play wild, but a sapphire a day is AGES! I'm starting to feel like your average, day to day, paid-to-advertise blogger. But I'm not that! I'm that weird blogger that doesn't make much sense! I'm so proud.

Anyways, I'm rambling on,
See ya!

Wednesday 3 May 2017


Aj is REALLY going all out on promos recently.
They're just getting themselves rich, so when AJ closes, they're well off, sadly. *cries silently
But sure, if they're releasing cute fox plushies, who cares at all, 'cos sure, it ain't me.
But seriously, 35 smackeroonies (dollars, for those who don't know) for this plastic house and an ugly animal toy, count me out!

Sorry if this post gets ranty (yes, yes I did just invent a new word) or very pessimistic.

But Animal Jam aren't thinking straight, they're releasing a light up ring toy, that's an octopus, with a pet reindeer, tell me how that would work. Either:

A. The pet reindeer would drown
B. The octopus would suffocate

(I'm hosting a poll in the comments, comment what you would rather happen, either A or B. Yes, I'm weird if you hadn't noticed)
(I vote B because I think octopi are ugly)
But seriously, that's not gonna' end well. But if it were an octopus, then wouldn't it be an underwater light up ring?! Ooh, a debate with myself, bring it on me! I feel like nobody would use that, because the only reason people go underwater is to buy the diamond spikes.

But I feel like the coolest items are (plot twist, I'm being optimistic) promo, take peacock feathers for instance, they're cool. But that's probably because AJ make money out of it.

Anyways, I gotta' run, stuff to do, places to be,
See ya!

Tuesday 2 May 2017

party at nymph's

Ok, lets get hyper! This way I can ramble on making a long post, that no one actually reads!

So, I've been thinking, canidae, it's a pet food brand, so maybe it's a tame dog?
Or it's the jackal, I have no idea how this could be, I just saw this all over The Daily Explorer.
Or, hopefully, it's a fennec fox. I really hope it is.

I'm not gonna' explain why for all of these, because this is a rubbish blog, and everyone reads the famous blogs first, so, y'all will already know.

I saw nymphybyalba (however you spell it) today, and a group of strangers and I were just chatting with her, but get this, one person (this was in their den) had one of the two only pairs of magenta cat ears in the game, and, they had the only magenta phantom necklace. Talk about rare. We were all showing our art to nymph, and I showed her this really complex ShopKing fanart that took me 5 hours, and she complimented me on it, I felt so proud :). She was also buddying everyone in the den, and my really kind friend was giving out spikes randomly - no, unfortunately I didn't win one (lol, not like anyone cares).

Ok, I presume y'all are bored of me talking about my day, so, I might as well go,
See Ya!

Monday 1 May 2017

My predictions

I just realised I had 600 page views, yay! That's actually a really petty number, I know. Ok, I have some announcements:

I am stopping doing the daily tip, as it's gotten a bit boring
I am stopping my fan fiction, as it's rubbish
I may not be posting daily, as school is really catching up to me
I am on the AJ wiki

(That last one was really irrelevant)

And because I have no idea how to make this post actually long, im'a do some predictions for AJ in a years time. (I did this on the wiki, and someone said if I get them all right, he'll give me his lphd, like that's gonna' happen though).
My predictions for Animal Jam, May 1st, 2018:

There will be five new animals
Three famous AJ YouTubers will be banned in a mass scandal, two will quit, but one will keep playing
There will be 8 more adventures
There will be a new land
Two more spike related items will come out
Three store-bought items will leave and instantly be worth a lot
Two "unreleased" items will be discovered, one will be a promo, the other will be real
Two more light-up-ring figures will be created

(Btw, this is not at all the same as what I posted about the wiki)
I can't stop talking about the AJ wiki, I bet this seems like an advertisement
See ya!

Saturday 29 April 2017


Sorry I haven't been posting, were having tests in school, URRRGGGGHHHH. I will try to post as much as possible, but sorry if i don't,

See ya!

Tuesday 25 April 2017

The Legends Of Life #2

Page 2 is up!

Liza bound into the laboratory. Nothing. He was not there. The stone table stood there, cracked and deceased, as ever. The telescope was there, large as ever, but something was wrong. Very wrong.

CoolJammer367 hastily sat down on the polished wooden desk. 5 books were piled up neatly to the side, one about Greely, another about Liza, Sir Gilbert, Graham and Cosmo. To the left stood a large mirror, but apart from that, the room was a stingy white. A tiger, large and majestically proud, meandered into the room. His silk-like blue fur shone, there were yellow streaks down his face, and he wore proudly, a tan, handcrafted headdress. He sat down in his chair, and spoke in a soft, yet stern voice. "Nice to meet you, Brave ColdPaw here, nephew of Sir Gilbert. Now, about this job." CoolJammer swallowed hard. It was 10:57, 3 minutes left, 3 minutes left.

Sorry if fan fiction gets a bit boring for you guys, but I enjoy writing it.
Anyways, I am never, I repeat, NEVER, doing one on warrior cats, don't worry,
See ya!

Monday 24 April 2017

The Legends Of Life, #1

I'm gonna' be stereotypical and start a fan fiction.

The Legends Of Life

Ooze, ooze, it was everywhere. The township had seen brighter days than this foul ooze. The gunge had a sickly sweet scent, the unwilling animals choked, to be saved, to be saved by Liza. The carressed phantom goop was penetrated by good, by ledgends of hope, by happiness, but most of all, trust. Trust that there would be a tomorrow, trust that there would be a brighter day, trust in humanity. But sometimes trust is too strong, way too strong...

CoolJammer367 walked up the steps to the school to apply for a job in the teaching career. The building was modern, it glistened in the sun as though an office block would, and emblazoned on the wall in cheap, golden, manufactured golden letters read, "jamaasian college". The large, oversized clock on the wall read 10:48, he was 12 minutes early, 12 minutes left, 12 minutes left, 12 minutes left...

12 minutes to save his life...

In the comments I'm gonna' be hosting a poll, does he get the job? yes or no? Remember, there is NO wrong answer.

I have now officially become a generic blogger. Check back tomorrow to read the rest!

Wednesday 19 April 2017

50 facts about me

About me

1. I'm tall for my age
2. I have a bad eye problem
3. My favourite underwater animal is the Dolphin
4. My favourite land animal is the red kite
5. My favourite Hogwarts house I'd RavenClaw and I honestly don't know why everyone hates Hufflepuff
6. I have poor sense of smell, if any, and I'm worried that one day I won't be able to at all
7. I prefer the rain to the sun
8.  My favourite colour is red
9. My favourite shade of red is mahogany
10. I love sleeping
11. My favourite YouTuber is Sethyy
12. I like to blog
13. I can barely use the AJ paint tool, but I'm pretty good in real life
14. I spend most of my time at home (when I'm off AJ) on the Animal Jam Wiki
15. My favourite item is the headdress (I know, I'm stereotypical)


16. My favourite headdress color is blue with silver
17. I used to collect plushies like mad
18. When I was new to Animal Jam, it was "cool" to collect customised plushies 
19. I have owned my account for 3 years 
20. I quit AJ for around 6 months, but my friend practically forced my to come back
21. I can't stand the color green
22. I genuinely really like fox hats
23. I think spiked collars are really stupid, you basically wearing an imapailed porcupine round your neck
24. I love winding people up on Play Wild
25. I only log on to play wild to do the treasure hunts and wind people up
26. I'm addicted to 'Colour Switch' and have over 7000 stars
27. I don't understand why people want anything with a rare plaque
28. Around 15 of my real life friends have made accounts, but only 3 are still active
29. I like to catch scammers, but I can rarely find any
30. WisteriaMoon is funny and great at art
31. I just found out yesterday that WisteriaMoon and Julian2 aren't actually in love, they did it to annoy Aparri 
32. I find it really depressing when I can't get in to WootMoos den
33. I really want the Lisa's Garden den, but I can't stop wasting my diamonds 
34. I can't help buying more and den items
35. I can spot a scammer almost instantly 
36. I think glitched items were put in AJ on purpose, to cause more drama to the community, and to  make people have something they want
37. I have never been banned on AJ
38. I used to want to scam, but I was to nooby to actually make people fall for my tricks
39. I have never scammed
40. I only actually knew there was an AJ community since about 6 months ago
41. I used to play underwater best dressed like mad
42. As soon as I saw an Aparri video, my messed up mind wanted to hack him. I have no idea why i was so stupid
43. I never actually used to trade
44. My dream item was actually my friends white phantom plushie
45. I have only been hacked once. 
46. My best friend hacked me once
47. My friend has always really wanted my Phoenix armour, but I will never trade it to him, because another good friend gave it to me just before he quit
48. I used to play Movie Star Planet when I had quit AJ, I was an idiot
49. I have never hacked anyone 
50. I don't understand why party hats are rare, I think they're ugly

Anyways, that took way to long
See Ya!

Sunday 16 April 2017


From 16-24th of April, my posting schedule will be altered. I may not be posting daily because it's the holidays.

See ya!

Saturday 15 April 2017

DAILY TIP (yes, caps is on)

Sorry, couldn't post yesterday, google was being annoying.
But, I could go on AJ, and I saw a bunch of people asking for spikes for their eggs.
Yes, I know people want eggs, but they don't want them that badly!
I NEED EGGS!!!!!!!!!!

This tip is SO corny, but, never give out your password, even to a "friend". I've made this mistake before, DONT DO IT!!!!!!
(Also send me spikes, hehe, NOM NOM NOM)

Anyways, into the void of whatever's in my suggested words bar!

The best way about this app was that the game was free so you could get it back on your time to get a rare gem on your items or gems for gems or items are you coming back on to your inventory items so I can only be able to buy a pet ladybug or something like this because they have never owned the item so they have never played a good long game because I am the game for a long long way back when playing it as well.

Yes, I talk about AJ a lot, okay!?
Don't judge me, :-(
Lol, I don't care if you do.

See ya!

Thursday 13 April 2017

What to do with a duped item

The eggs are SO cool!
Something else to waste my diamonds on!

Today in jamaa-township I saw someone saying "I accept all trades, except for necklaces", I presumed they had bad items on trade, but no, they had rare pets! I managed to get a pet ladybug, 2 pet mice and a cute orange grasshopper. They also had some RIMs on trade, so I nabbed some of them as well. Although the AJ community has SO much drama, this is the kind of thing that keeps my hope in it.

Daily Tip

If possible, buy up as many as possible eggs from the eggsstravagansa in hope they will become rare in time. Yea, short tip 'cos this blog is rubbish.

I heard there was a rumour that if you own a duped item you will be banned, so what I would do is, if you think you have a duped item, put it on a storage with a safe, secure password. Then, check back now and again to see if it's gone. After around a month or two (yes, that sounds a while, but better safe than sorry) when the fuss has died down, transfer the item from your storage (if you still have the item or the storage) onto your main account. This way, if the rumour is true, then your main account won't be banned, just a storage that means nothing to you.

See ya!

Wednesday 12 April 2017

The Value Of The Duped LPHD

I did some maths and found out that since the scandal of duplicating items, LPHDs have gone down in value by 87% percent. They used to be worth around 37 black longs, but now you struggle to get a black long. This is my chance to strike and get one! Haha! I'm still not rare enough though :(.

Haha! That looks like a sad face with a mole. :(. Hehe
 🐛... (if you can't tell, the caterpillar is pooping)

Daily Tip:

(I may have already done this one idk)
When you want to get gems, the fastest way is to do it through The Adventure Training Grounds. You  get around 67% more gems than if you won a game of falling phantoms.

Anyways, gotta' go waste all my diamonds making masterpieces!
See ya!

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Daily Tip but differently...

Today this post will be written in rhyme,
Though I'm not too sure I will have the time,
To edit this,
So if you see mistakes, just give 'em a miss.

Today in Jamaa, all anyone was talking about was the dupes,
And even in Woot's,
No one wanted to trade for rares,
Not even the creepy polar bears,
Everyone was too scared that they were gonna fall victim to a scam,
And the people with the legitimate rares just said "damn".
You see, magenta furrys used to be worth 50 black longs,
Now they're only 18, due to people's wrongs,
I'm surprised that 2 YouTubers got banned,
All the while, on their jammer wall, they got spammed.
I was a fan of LegitNick, and thought he was genuinely rare,
Still, I judged his polar bear,
But when I heard about this on Naffy's post this morn,
I was so shocked, I wanted to run out and scream on my lawn,
And TheAnimalAJ21 used this mod too,
I thought they were just kind, but no, they did the wrong thing, do,
I feel really embarrassed now,
Wow, just wow.

Anyways, on a lighter point,
I traded for a pet mouse,
Only a yellow beard,
Sorry this post is really weird.

Now for the infamous daily tip,
If you need to nip,
Of to the bathroom,
Don't leave you account up, and suddenly, BOOM,
You get hacked by your annoying sibling,
They even stole those prized Cupid wing!
Just close your tab,
And no one can nab your rares, nab.

Anyway this poem is far too long,
So I'm gonna' end with an unexpected bong,

See ya!

Monday 10 April 2017

Daily Tip (10th April)

Lol, this blog is dead. No one reads it anymore, but who cares, im'a still post.

I was in WootMoo's trading, and I got these tan Cupid wings for 2 elf helmets and a pair of elf bracelets. If they are glossy - I have no idea how to tell - that headdress is right there for me. But if they're not, I don't care, because I made a snazzy look. Whilst I was in WootMoos, I saw someone with a glitched magenta short collar, a glitched short wrist and 2 magenta furrys. If only I was them.
I believe there are only 7 magenta short collars in the game.

I REALLY waste ALL my diamonds on art. I'm probably gonna' recycle my easel so I can start saving.

Daily Tip,

Nobody cares about gems, until they run out. So the fastest way to get them is not actually playing games, but to do The Adventure Training Grounds. If you do it quickly, you can get around 5 gems a second. (Well, the fastest way is to actually become a YouTuber, and then recycle all the RIMs you get given).

See ya!

Sunday 9 April 2017

Daily Tip (9th April)

I feel like I'm slipping away from this community...
Just because I haven't posted in 3 days.

I'm REALLY sorry 'bout that y'see I was away for 3 days and there was no wifi, urgghh.
<random alert>
But I do have 17 phantom plushies

My fish died today,

Scuba The Goldfish
With us for a year and a day

And I made a pretty decent art of him on AJ to show my respect <sniffle>
My bedside lamps bulb just blew...

Never mind.

This post is WAY too random. Let's just get to the daily tip,

If your trying to get people to overtrade, do it carefully. Don't say "add a black long" because that sounds more than saying "add 4 good longs". This will make people think they're getting a good deal, when honestly, they're not. Say the item that you want them to add on's (and a small bit) worth, not the item itself.

Anyways, gotta' stop this randomness,
See ya!

Thursday 6 April 2017


Hey there, I thought of a special competition for my 500 page views landmark.
The first person that can get all the giraffe plushies, and tell me, will win a special prize! (Lel, I haven't thought of it).

But for the people who don't collect plushies, I have another competition,
Choose 2 numbers between 1 and 50 and comment it on this post. A random number will be chosen, and a lucky jammer will win the other fantastic prize I can't think of yet!

Both competitions will end at the end of the month,
Anyways, good luck,
See ya!

The newest, coolest item + the usual daily tip

I've got the first 2 lines of Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran stuck in my head.

I saw a few scammers say they were promos. :( they're not, they're in the diamond shop.
I may have traded one away for a decent Aparri fan art for my gallery.
They look awesome on penguins and otters.

Daily Tip:

Don't scam on second accounts, your first account can still be banned.
If you scam on an account - any - AJ's first step is not to ban your second account, but to type in your IP address of the second account, look at the most frequently played accounts on that IP address, then suspended them. Once you've been suspended they look into the matter, and if you have done wrong they shall ban you.

Anyways, gotta' go write a scam update post on the SWOAJ blog.
See ya!

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Halfway on the road to 1000

No, there is no road, I just have got 509 page views. This sounds really petty, and to be honest, it is.

I would do a giveaway, but there's nothing that I really have to giveaway.

I'm so happy that I'm not typing in capitals.

Anyways, thank you everyone,
See ya!

Free art commissions + daily tip

Sorry, I couldn't post yesterday because I had way to much homework. I then set up a plushie farm, and got 12 phantom plushies (I believe collectors will trade up to a worn blanket) fell asleep in a nap that was supposed to be an hours long, but I woke up at 1 in the morning.

I am now, (as I announced on the aj wiki) doing art commissions, for free.
I don't want anything because I just want to practice my skills. So, just comment on any post saying what you want. I can't guarantee they will be good, it is free after all.

Ok daily tip,

Setting up a plushie farm on a rare claw is a brilliant idea. You can then trade away them to collectors, or just make a snazzy den. Then set up your farm - do this by opening up the claw tab, then waying down the spacebar. Go and have a nap, watch some YouTube, read this AWESOME blog (sooo modest) ect. Ect. My friend has a rare claw, but he is non-member so he can't place it in his den. I am loaning it from him, a customised plush now and again. The claw SHOULD always be in my den, but it may not, sorry if it isn't.

See ya!

Monday 3 April 2017

The most (not) frequently asked question + announcement

This is the most frequently (not, because no one reads this blog and it's bad) asked question on this blog.

What is your favourite (IRL) emoji.

Well, it's the poop emoji. I know that's soo stereotypical.

💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

I once saw a boy that had to explain to his mum that it wasn't
"A little, chocolatey kiss"
And it was poo.
She seemed SO embarrassed!

See ya!

P.s: sorry for this random post.
P.p.s: from around 8th - 22nd of April, posts will not be as frequent because it's the school holidays, and to be honest, I need a break. There will still be posts, they just won't be daily. I do roughly 2.5 posts a day, which is fantastic to most bloggers twice a week. So yes, I need a break.

My friend got hacked

Are rare nerd glasses worth anything?
I traded a rare black shark fin for it, but I really don't mind if it was over.

Anyways, I have been friends with a small-time, animal jam livestreamer for a couple of months now - they have 176 subscribers at the time of this post. I was customising my look when I got a buddy request from a rare non-member, and I accepted because I like buddy's. They then say,
"Do you know songs?"
(Xxsongsxx was the YouTuber)
"This is my second, songs was hacked".

She then tells me that they changed her password and everything. I then follow her into her buddy's den, as usual she has quite rare non member buddy's. She then goes and gives me this nice promo fancy beret and I make a really messed up looking fox (on purpose that is). She is so kind.

She also does regular livestreams where she gives out spikes to lucky subs. Though I'm not lucky   :(

But she doesn't seem too scarred, which is good.

Anyways, go sub,
See ya!

Sunday 2 April 2017

Daily Tip (3rd April)

Sorry that you have had to read these dodgy posts for so long :-(

Anyway, daily Tip:

Never dress "cool" on best dressed. Unless the theme is cool, for that matter.
People ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. I always used to do it, trust me, people won't vote for you.
Just stick to theme, always.

See ya!

Why the rarity system is so messed up

1) Rare spikes are rarer than diamond spikes.
There are about 800,000,000 rare spikes in the game; and there are only about 10,000,000 diamond spikes in the game.

2) rare longs are rarer than short spikes.
There are roughly 2,000,000 more rare longs than shorts.

3) no old items are recognised.
People prefer a headdress to a tan tiki; tan tikis being older and rarer.

4) seasonal items come SO rare after they've just left.

5) rare item Mondays from 2012 are considered nothing, even when you can't buy them or obtain them. People would choose spikes over them, even when the rim is rarer.

6) spikes look like impailed porcupines, people only want them for status.

7) people say "den beta"
 this actually means "den from the testing period"... ummm what?!

8) spikes rarity
You trade 10 fox hats for a good long. Good deal, right? Wrong. Spikes are WAY more common than fox hats, but are considered rarer.

9) the term "good long"
People say "good long" or "bad short". This actually intirely based off someone's opinion on their colour choice.

10) black longs
All long and short spikes are distributed evenly, yet, you trade 4 "good" longs for a spiked collar that is as common as the next.

Sorry most of these were about spikes, I couldn't help but rant on about them.
Anyways, I gotta' run,
See ya!

My thoughts on the alphas

In this post I will list my thoughts on the alphas, so let's get started.

Oh, yea, come at me and beat me up with that paintbrush of yours! <sarcasm>
She literally has eye piercings and has a patched ear. She's not a teddy, is she?...

No. 1
You wear WAY too much makeup.
No. 2
Why are you constantly taking photos of us? You stalker!
No. 3
You don't fight, you stay to protect the land.

Bepper loves greely. And bepper is one of the better AJ YouTubers. But she just doesn't get that he's used in practically every adventure and that he doesn't actually fight; he just fakes his own death all the time.

What do you even do with that weird horn!? And what your wearing on your legs is highly inappropriate for a kids game; possibly even illegal in real life. And your just a farmer!

So much to say about Graham,
His eyebrows are practically worms,
His beard is SO untidy,
He wears a sundial and he's the inventor!
With the way he has his hands on the fox's head on the homepage, you'd think he's a kidnapper.

Sir Gilbert
The best alpha of the lot.
Tidy, on-point beard,
Is practically the only alpha that fights,
Is just awesome,
Looks cool,
Did I mention he's awesome?

See ya!

My Confession

It's almost been a month since I created this blog.
Because of this, I have a confession, one that I'm truly ashamed of.

I didn't start this blog for fun. I started this blog because I wanted (please note the past tense there) to become famous, and people to gift me stuff. I can't believe that was my mindset 1 month ago, this blog has changed me as a jammer and a human (that sounds so cringeworthy, but it's true) I'm not greedy and I like to give things away, because it makes me feel happy seeing others happy (that sounds cringey too). Sure, it would be nice if people sent me stuff, but I don't really care that much, and becoming famous is a bonus, not a priority. The priority of this blog is to make people laugh about how wierd I am, and to show and tell people different things that they may have not know.

Sorry this post was REALLY cringeworthy, so I'm gonna' stop before it gets even more so.

See ya!

P.s: I got that tissue, don't worry (lel, I bet no one was worrying, 'cos nobody actually reads this blog.

Daily Tip (2 April)

Ok, I'm gonna' make this post short because I feel REALLY ill. They said 'some fresh air will do you good'. They forgot I had TERRIBLE hay fever.

No. 1)
I bought the spring claws. I then thought "wait... that top hat is glitched, it says "smol" not "small" omg, I hate my life". (I couldn't buy it because I had only 1 diamond)
I logged on 10 hours later to see that it wasn't misspelled, phew!

No. 2)
Daily Tip:
(I totally didn't make that up on the spot because I need to end this post quickly due to the fact my nose is crazily snotty)

Anyways, I need that tissue!
Please don't judge (lol, I seriously don't care if you do)
See ya!

Saturday 1 April 2017

Some Stuff (I can't be bothered to think of a title, lel)

Two fans met me in my den today, the thing is I never knew I had fans. I thought there was no such thing as a 'henrythegreat4' fan. One said that he had never met a famous jammer before - I honestly don't consider myself famous, I started this blog because I was bored, just under a month ago, and I now have almost 500 views. So, my point is I don't think I'm famous. They then kept on complimenting my art and I had to admit that I waste all of my diamonds on it. They then buddy requested me and I accepted because I like friends (that sounds REALLY cringeworthy). They said 'your blob is really awesome' (I presume they meant 'blog' and hope they didn't imply it as a really dirty word that I shall not say 'cos kids read this).

I saw Naffy's post and entered the photo competition with my friend (who doesn't even know it, lel) to win that SPIEK TAHT JIUCY SIPIEK. Seriously though, that orange short wrist would really help me to get a headdress (MAI DRAEM IETM!!!!!!).

I did a hilarious April fools day prank 'cos Jamaa Township was SO boring.
I screamed:


Soon, everybody believed it and there were the odd 1 or 2 people left, trying to trade.
Then, after 5 minuets people started to doubt it, but still a few random people believed that Aparris second account was in the centre of people.
Then it was boring, so I revealed it was a joke, I then did it twice more in other lands.
Feel free to try this joke out yourself!

See ya!

Friday 31 March 2017

Daily Tip (1st April)

Woot! April!
My daily tip is:

Go check out the April fools day party! I know most seasonal parties are rubbish, but this ones good!
If you've never been, it's basically a really confusing upside down castle with AWESOME shops.

Sorry, short tip. Got places to be, my friend!
See ya!

The best* story ever

I externally combusted all over a penguin who then accidentally swallowed it, phoned his dad, and pooped in his car. The car wash wasn't happy so they sent the penguin into exile. His mum cried so hard she flooded the river Nile and the whole world everybody drownded, that is, except for everyone. That cured the world drought and the penguin ran home to see if his mother was alright. But then, the penguin was picked up from the sky by a flying uni-squid and taken to 'sands' casino. The squid wasted all his money on the slots machines, and got drunk, the flew off to San Francisco (aka, his mum. His mum was so fat she was a state). The penguin was all alone in the casino and cried tears of dogs. The dogs worked as minions for him until they ran away to star in the movie 101 dalmations. The penguin jumped off a cliff to see if he could fly but then he belly flopped into the sea. He then cried and walked home to New York (aka, his mum, yes his mum was fat too).

The End

I really need to get a life :-(
See ya!

goldmine post #2

Goldmine post 2 is out!
So go check it out!

Goldmine post #1

Many of you don't know, but I have a second blog which has been inactive for around a week.
It's dedicated to taking out scammers one by one then shaming them.

Goldmine post #1 has been posted!

The blog is called
Scammer Watch Organisation AJ

And the link is
Go check it out!

Daily Tip (31st march)

Ok, this old news, but river race returned!
Turned out it had nothing to do with AJ lore, they just wanted an item to gain rarity, take that Julian2!
Anyways, is never played river race before today, and it really isn't that amazing. Apparently it's really good to play with friends, but that's a problem for me 'cos I have none. Jk.
I bought the 2 of the rare feather tails, they look fine. Better that the monster claws.
And I bought 2 river races, (I don't know why) so I'm down to 0 diamonds. I hope I don't get the gifts on the daily spin tomorrow, I need diamonds!
But I made a kinda' cool water dragon art, and saved it to my files 'cos I have no diamonds.

Anyway, enough of this bunched up paragraph stuff, onto real business (aka, daily Tip)

When playing best dressed (THE BEST GAME IN THE WORLD) worry about your colours before clothes. Once you've done colour do clothes, then do eyes. The eyes are too much detail to be wasting time on.

Anyway, I'm boring,
See ya!

Thursday 30 March 2017

Aj Shall Not Fall!

I feel as if the Aj community is dying. 
Blogs aren't viewed much anymore.
YouTube channels, in comparison to their subscribers, are getting tiny amounts of views.
Scammers and hackers are thriving.

I know this is just me, so don't worry.

But, I used to get 30 views a day, now I get about 10. Oh where did I go wrong?
I know those numbers sound pathetic but I'm proud of them.

To end with a famous (ye right henry) quote by me that I totally didn't make up on the spot and change Julian2's:

"Aj shall not fall into the bottemless hole that Club Penguin did"


(The last one was a joke, no hate - lol, no one comments at all, let alone hating)
See ya!

Update day + daily Tip (30th march) + massive giveaway

Let's start with the giveaway!
One lucky reader will win...
Not one...
Not two...
But three! Yes, I repeat three, necklaces! You can choose your desired colour...
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Joking. I'm not that lame!
- or am I... hehe -
I wanna' go over this update, telling you guys what I really think about it, it won't just be another lame, boring post saying this and that, and your eyes start to bleed 'cos you've read this junk on the spirit blog (no offence to YellowDash).

Talking about the spirit blog, I want to have a small, teensy rant.
Ok, making a blog and posting every week is fine.
But when you have a blog that used to post twice a day that goes to every other week it's just wrong.
And, those posts only include a link and a caption whereas when they don't that, it just goes quickly over the jamaa-journal.
But, I'm taking nothing out on YellowDash. It used to be a team of 9 working on that blog, the others just then go and abandon Yellow to run this hugely popular blog. Basically, all in all, since SnowyClaw went to do YouTube, she inspired the others to go and leave an author there, that doesn't even own the blog. It's just >.<

Ok, back to point.
I'm obsessed with turning seasonal dens into art gallery's.

1000 buddy spots, I don't care, lala
April fools rares. Aj just bringing rares into the game to make money <sigh>

Snow leopards coming back
Couldn't care less.

Ad: spring bunnies with a gift card.
I wish I hadn't bought my membership online. Spring bunnies are so awesome...
I know it, Aj are bringing them back! They always advertise an animal like that, then 1 month later...
It hits the diamond shop!

April fools party.
In my opinion this is the second best party! It just, JUST about scrapes underneath the beta party, which everyone adores.

Last of all in this long post is...

My infamous daily tip!
I'm going to keep it short because blogger has started to terribly glitch.

If possible, enter competitions on the daily explorer (animal jam's official blog), if you win one you will offten get a plaque. Plaque collectors may pay up to 2 good longs for a diamond jammer snaps plaque.

I know, I know short Tip, I think it's good though :-)

Anyway, before the system breaks down,
See ya!

Wednesday 29 March 2017

450 page views!

The Worlds Longest Post! Though it's really good!

No, I didn't die...
No, I didn't break my arm...
No, I didn't internally combust, vomit over my iPad, drop it into the Grand Canyon, get picked up by an alien spacecraft, and forced to do manual labour.

(My reactions tho')

Ok, since I'm want to become trendy and get all those yummy page views (and TOTALLY not get weirder) I'm going to, yes, 'going to, not "gonna'" say my thought on the 1000 buddy spots. I bet, I bet they created this just for Aparri, I mean, come on, practically no one has even 100 buddy's.  I mean, they're wasting their time developing this when they could be - scratch that, should be, giving everyone 1000 SPIKES (imagine that >.<) yes, I said it 1000 SPEIKES SPEKIS SPIKESE! (Or, they could give people 1000 lessons on how not to be weird, I guess that would be better).

Random inspirational quote:

"Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree long ago"
Warren Buffett

Ok, now to the daily tip.
I might as well do 2 tips because I didn't do one yesterday.

1) When making looks, people generally hate overly rare looks. So this is how I usually make my looks.

Choose a head item and/or a back item (if you do both, make sure they match)
Choose your secondary colour. Make this the main colour of you head/back item(s)
Choose your primary colour. This stage is up to you! Go as outrageous as you like, or bland and dull - though try to make it not too bright compared to the secondary colour.
Make your pattern colour a slightly darker shade of your primary/secondary colour.
Go through your inventory and put on items matching you look. (Feel free to buy items)
Now go and strut your stuff in Jamaa!

That was actually more complicated than I thought. Feel free to use this guide, and I'm fine if you want to put it on your own blog, just give me credit ^.^

<I don't know how or why, but recently I've been obsessed with these little faces ^.^>

Ok, tip 2)


I'm joking :-)
This may sound absurd, but when trying to trade, DONT GO TO ALDAN.
Try to go to a server with 3 dots, or a full one like Congo, but not Aldan!
This is because in Aldan most people a fighting over attention, so doing one-on-one trading doesn't really work. Sure, Aldan is spike central, but - if I were you - just slowly work your way up the rarity scale before going there.

This has nothing to do with animal jam, but, I really like clash royale, I'm decent at it. And I'm in an animal jam fan-club type thing. I used to get home and see that there were 200-or so unread chat conversations, now I come home to see, oh, 3 - and they're all just card requests. I always give away cards, even if they're cards I like but now there's no one to give them to :-( #SaveTheAnimalJamClan is a thing I've started trending on it (when I say trending, two people have said it). Also, of you want  to join, the clan name is "animal jam" and the crest is red with a yellow arrow.

And I was really looking forward to coming to Nafaria9's joint 850,000 views party (well done naffy, if you are reading this) and her birthday party (happy birthday too!) but I can't come because it's 4:00 MST (mountain standard time) which is 7 hours behind my time zone. And, I definitely won't be allowed on the computer at 11pm! Aww, I've never been to a real, organised AJ party! And Naffy is so fun!

Sorry for this mile-long post! It would be longer IF BLOGGER WASNT GLITCHING SO ANNOYINGLY!!!!!
See ya!

P.s: #PutNafaria9OnTheAJBanner I mean snowyclaws on it for blogging and she only has 14,000 page views which is measly compared to The Animal Jam Whip.

P.p.s #StopHashtaggingSuchLongHashtagsHenrythegreat4ItsSeriouslyGettingOnMyNerves! I doubt that will start trending, hehe

Monday 27 March 2017

Teensy update

Now to my viewed blog list, Singapore, Indonesia and Spain have been added. I feel strangely weird, like I always do.

Also, online, I found this awesome quote: "muffins are cupcakes that believed in themselves" the meaning is corny, but it's awesome because it ties in cupcakes and muffins!

Anyway, I didn't lie then about the length!
See ya!

Translating quotes into jamaasian

"As I look back on my life, I realise that every time I was rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better"

I'm may just have been kicked off snowyclaw's buddy list, but soon I may be on Julian2's!

"You shall never have this day again so make it count!"

In jamaa you shall find some great offers, but many will last only for this day so go out and seek them!

"Even though you're on the right track you will get run over if you just sit there"

You keep on trading and trading to go up in rarity, but if you stop for a while, you will forget what items are worth, then you may go downhill on rarity rapidly, through getting scammed or under trading.

"Don't worry about those who talk behind your back, they're behind you for a reason"

I just love this quote. It means that bully's and impolite people are inferior to those that are kind hearted.

"Be somebody that makes someone feel like a somebody"

Don't be with those stereotypical arctic wolves that bully new-jammers, be that person that helps them and shows them around.

"I'm thankful for all the people in my life, they've showed me what I don't want to be"

I find this one funny 'cos I'm weird. I'm thankful for all those scammers and hackers and bully's, they've shown me what I don't want to be like; them.

"If plan 'A' doesn't work, don't fret, there are still 25 more letters"

If plan a doesn't work e.g trading den betas for that spike, don't worry, try a different plan.

"People that wonder and debate whether the glass if half empty or full, don't realise one thing: the glass is refillable"

I find this funny, yet again, 'cos I'm weird. It basically means: don't keep on trying to undertrade for that worn blanket, trade fairly, and the person on the other end may be happy to trade again.

Anyway, that's gonna wrap it up for now. I just wanna' say that I really enjoyed writing this post, I hope you enjoyed reading it too!
See ya!

Daily Tip (27th march)+ other stuff

This is, well hopefully, gonna' be a short post. I VERY much doubt it will though.

So recently, I've found that I normally do the same boring things on AJ, repeatedly every day. This is what I normally do:

Go on AJ before school, do the daily spin.

Get home, do a bit of piano (really to much unnecessary information) then I do some trading - 10 to 30 minutes.
Get bored and go and play best dressed (25 - 60 minutes)
I spend a while on a masterpiece. Then I rush one or two, get bored after two hours of animal jam.
Go and write a couple boring posts about my daily schedule that no one cares about.

Ok, that seemed more interesting in my head. Turns out it wasn't. Ah-well.
Anyway, the main point of this video (I mean post, I just can't be bothered to delete it) is the daily Tip. And, I honestly don't know why I do these 'informative posts' when only 2 have actually been helpful. Ah-well, I've created it a 'tradition' now.

Did you know that if you download AJ JUMP, (DEFINITELY not trump) you can convert gems off the app onto your computer account. But for some weird reason, gems also go onto my PLAY WILD app, that's how I have 50,000 gems on play wild, that I didn't even know about. Maybe it's because my play wild username is the same, but then again, my passwords are different. Eh, who knows.

(Not really a daily tip)

Random inspirational quote of the millennia:

"Do not fear perfection, you'll never reach it"
Salvador Dali
Basically, translated into jamaasian: don't spend forever on that masterpiece, detailing it to make it worth headdresses, in your eyes it may not be perfect but many shall like it. It may be worth worn blankets, but lots of worns equals a headdress.

I actually really enjoyed translating that, so much so, that I'm gonna' do another!

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, its about getting out and dancing in the rain"
Jamaasian translation: there may be loads of scammers and hackers out there, but enjoy the game don't hide cowardly in your den.

I enjoy this SO much! In my next post I'm going to do this!

See ya!

Sunday 26 March 2017

This week in the news 10 months ago

Did you konw taht yuor biarn can raed tihs bceause the lsat lettres and frist oens are the smae!
Dnot wrory I dbout I wlil crary on wtih tihs.

See, I stopped!
Are you srue touhgh?!
Seriously, I'll stop.

I was trying to find the Jamaa journal for March 26th 2016 so I could do a post on it, but I could only find info for May 26th 2016. And that's the date masterpieces came out! But the daily explorer doesn't portray masterpieces as good a way as they should.

I really should cut down on the randomness in my posts.
See ya!


Jamaa Spotlight #1 Aparri

Just a random Animal Jam spotlight facts,
Today I'm gonna' look into the most subscribed AJ YouTuber, Aparri.

Aparri's username was originally '7'. He made his account when the username glitch was going on, so he could call it 'one letter' or 'numbers'. He scammed and hacked rares and bullied other jammers, but since Ajhq's reporting system used to be rubbish he never got banned. Soon later ajhq noticed his glitched username and changed it to 'jammer(and then some random letters and numbers)'. Bepper - his sister soon started YouTube, and gained hundreds of subscribers each day, and Aparri was soon influenced by his sister - not for the enjoyment, but for the money involved. Though somehow becoming a YouTuber changed him. He started to stop swearing in his videos, to be positive and polite. But, it would be whole different story if Aparri was caught scamming, wouldn't it?...

Today, I uncovered the secrets that he doesn't want you to know. This information was put on LilacPetals instagram page as a dare or revenge and whatnot. It was only up for a small time, I'm pretty sure it isn't there now.

If 'yall liked this post, comment down below. If I get enough people liking this, I will do it on a weekly basis.

See ya!

some basic mind tricks!

We all love Jnimal Aam!

You that read wrong!
You that read wrong too!
Seriously, I bet you read all of them wrong. Comment if you didn't!

What's 1+1?
 Name a vegetable.

79% of people say carrot 🥕
Comment if you didn't!

I really don't know why I did this post, it was pointless.
Anyway, I won't normally do this kinda' stuff, I was just bored.

See ya!


400 page-views! Thank you! WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT

Daily Tip (26th march)

Some mothers already have it hard enough, then they go and reduce Mother's Day by an hour!

Anyways, you want a daily tip, I give it u!
(I'm so weird)

My tip is, to try not to look up the worth of rares. This sounds stupid, I know, but most sites are outdated. This means you get less for your rare item, WAY less. I found a blog from December 2012 saying a headdress was worth a bad long wrist, this is now wrong - a headdress is worth about 6 black longs.

Also, lots of posts on rarity are scams, trying to influence the trades you make with them.

So, if you want to look up rares go on a trusted sight! Or ask a few people round jamaa, and get an average item worth.

See ya!

Saturday 25 March 2017

Another one of these question posts

1) what's the meaning behind your Animal Jam username?

Henrythegreat was taken so I added my lucky number, 4!

2) how did you discover Animal Jam?

It was trending in my after-school club.

3) when did you start playing Animal Jam?

Sometime during October 2013 I believe.

4) what was your first rare?

I really have no clue! I can't remember small stuff three years back! Though, if it's anything, it will be the rare policemans hat, which I think was an R.I.M at the time.

5) what's your favourite den and clothing items?

Den item would just be masterpieces in general, people are SO creative with them.
The clothing item would have to be a headdress by a long shot, but I don't have one 'cos I'm not rare:(

6) what's the one thing you wish you could change about Animal Jam?  

I wish that people wouldn't scam nor hack. I know that sounds so stereotypical.

7) what's your favourite memory on AJ?

Umm... I have no idea!

8)  who are your best buddies on AJ?

I buddy random people all the time, but my best buddy's would have to be cutiepiepet88 and slushieis who are good friends in real life.

9) is there anyone you hate on AJ?

As quoted in the Doctor Who Christmas special on December 24th 2015 "hate is a feeling too strong to waste on someone you don't like" but I dont like scammers and hackers (the stuff most people say).
And yes, I can remember quotes from TV episodes way back, and I can't remember my first rare, sad times XD!

10) have you ever been scammed, if so what was it?

Yes, I've been scammed once that I can remember. The person somehow had auto-accept on, and scammed my tan carpet for a rare item Monday.

11) do you have any plaques?

Yes, I traded little for a art plaque, and have three safety plaques.

12) what's your favourite Animal Jam emoji?

The peace sign!

13) rarest item?

If masterpieces count, I'd do my wolf with headdress one. I've been offered a bit, but the artist told me that I owned the only copy, because she wasn't allowed to save files on the computer. Or maybe my rare clover set!

That's gonna' wrap it up for now!
See ya!

Daily Tip (25th March)

Is it me or is blogger broken?

It says I've had no page views today and it's 23:45 (so yes, this post is a VERY late). But then again, practically no one reads my blog, so it's probably true.
Time is ticking before tomorrow, I must quickly get this blog done.

So the tip is,

Oh yeah! If possible, avoid making loads of masterpieces of the same thing, before just getting one.
I once made this alright masterpiece, I quite liked it at the time but I didn't know that it would trade for lots, so, I didn't spend all my diamonds. BUT BECAUSE OF THE KNEW UPDATE I CANT MAKE ONE AGAIN! Jk, I can - I took me about two minutes!

Sorry this post is late. As I wright this sentence it's nearly midnight, I was considering not doing a post because I'm really unwell, but I couldn't let all (none) of the die hard fans down, could I?! Jk, my blogs rubbish, I have no die hard fans.

Sheesh, I don't normally use text type - in fact I despise it - but yet, I find myself saying jk. (That means 'joking' if you don't know)

See ya!

Friday 24 March 2017


I found this Animal Jam Qn'A tag thingy-magij online and I'm gonna' be answering (I probably spelt that wrong) the questions. Here goes!

1) Have you ever scammed/hacked anyone?

When I was younger I only cared about rares. I tried to scam people, but I never could - probably cos' they were really bad scams. I've never hacked anyone.

2) main animal?

Arctic wolf/owl

3) what parts of the community are you in?

Just the blogging one.

4) when do you plan to quit aj?

Honestly no idea!

5) favourite blogs?

Animal Jam whip!

6) bad habits?

Biting my nails.

7) ever gotten scammed or hacked?

I got scammed once, out of my tan carpet, but the other jammer had auto-accept on.
I once got hacked by my best friend, but he gave all the items back.

8) on a scale of 1-10 how much do you care about rares?

Around 6.

9) any famous buddies?

At the moment only nafaria9, but I once had a YouTuber with 4,000 subs. I was just being nice to them - not knowing they did YouTube - and they buddied me and give me a cool Labrador art. They have since unbuddied me, but I still have the art.

That's gonna' wrap it up for now!
See ya!

Daily Tip (24th march)+ 50 posts giveaway

k, I've done 50 posts in TWENNY ONEE (I couldn't help myself) days. That means I do on average 2.38 (some more numbers that I'm too lazy to wright in) posts a day. That's more than most blogs, at least.

To celebrate, I will be giving away, ummm...
A cool masterpiece that hasn't been approved yet but is really awesome!
Trust me, it's pretty cool.

So, yes, to enter all you have to do is comment your username and your status.

To celebrate this landmark I will be doing two daily tips! - mainly 'cos I couldn't choose -

1) collect seasonal items. Any season will do, but jamaaliday is the best. Some jamaaliday items are going for spikes!

2) - this one has nothing to do with animal jam -
When your awake in the night, just watch YouTube. It gets some people to sleep, but it relaxes me. But remember, watch something calm like a Minecraft let's play or a funny compilation, don't watch something creepy/scary/violent like "GTA shooting spree challenge!"

Anyways I'm gonna' go, I'm really unwell. That's probably because I had a big water fight and it was  , like, 4 degrees. It was fun though!
Now I've got a blocked, snotty nose and a soar throat, but it was worth it.

See ya!

The biggest lie told on AJ

Animal Jam was created in 2010.
This is a lie.

So most of you think AJ was created in 2010.
This is wrong.
Aj was created in 2003, it aired as a really corny TV show.
It only aired for one year and was owned by the Jim Henson company, but they soon sold it to National Geographic Kids and they developed the game we love today.
Peck, was based of the weird zebra and cosmo was based of the creepy monkey.

So now you can act all smart-alek to your friends.
See ya!

Thursday 23 March 2017

How to get the masterpiece token

So lately, there's been a big fuss over "unreleased items".
The masterpiece token was never hacked, it's just a promo.

And I feel sorry for the person who traded for it.
If you don't know, he traded:

A beta arctic hood
A first glitched ring
A magenta sheeps cloak
A tan tiki
A magenta furry
(This trade is worth 800+ black longs)

That kid wasted all his rares on a promo, a promo that could be bought in a notebook for $15.

Even though I'm not rare, this is why I never trade for 'unreleased items'.
They're most likely not unreleased, or will be deleted suddenly from the game without warning and without getting your traded items back.

I hope this helped!
See ya!

Daily Tip (23 march)

Sorry this post is late (as usual)

This tip is to help you to avoid the NEW type of hack.
So lately, I've seen people making new, yes new, "membership generators" and "rare generators", but this time it's not spiked collars they seek, it's actual, money.
So you start off, fill in your username, your membership length and the amount of diamonds and/or gems.
Then they have some fake 'fancy shmancy' coding come up, then there's a pop up saying something along these lines:

Just to confirm your not a robot, go to the link below and fill out you details.

And then there's one of those fake links advertising free iPads or yeezys.
But these advertisers pay money to be featured on this scam-type website so the "membership hack" website gets money from you going to the sights.
Then you fill out your details, it's all la-dee, then a couple of hours later you get a virus on your device.
Then you get spam, junk mail advertising fake things or phone calls doing the same.

So basically the tip is, don't type 'membership hack' in the search bar.
They're all fake.
If you want a free membership, your going to have to hack into AJ yourself.
(After your merciless battle to get through their strong firewall, create lines of coding, then avoid being arrested or sent to court)
- so don't create these hacks -

I hope this helped!
See ya!

Wednesday 22 March 2017


My blogger glitched and said I had no page views, my posts disappeared one by one, I thought I was being hacked.


Then blogger crashed, which scared me even more.
I logged back on quickly to bring back all my data, when I saw it was a glitch I was SO relived!
I still have everything, my posts and my views, luckily.

Sorry, yet-again for these short, spam-like posts. I really can't help it.
I normally do a daily long post and a couple of short posts though.
<I must stop ranting on>

See ya!  

I have no idea for a title so I'm writing this

I don't know if this is a blogger update, but I didn't know you could see which pages people are reading. I saw two people reading two different posts and it just made me smile (I smile a lot if you didn't know by now), knowing that my page views are from actual readers - not just me reading my blog.

See ya!

A fun pastime off Aj

Dont worry 'bout the title, I know every kid needs to be staring at a screen at all times, so don't fret - you will still be staring at a screen ;)

First find any Animal Jam blog.
Click on the link in the VERY bottom right/left taking you to the first year of posting they did.
Laugh your heads off with the cringeworthyness (yes, I did just make that word up) of it all.

Hey, even do it to mine, I don't care!
(By the way do not comment saying the blog is cringey. You might offend someone and get banned. Not my fault if you do)

See ya!

Daily Tip (21st march)

Sorry this post is going out late, 8 words:

I never knew clash royale was so addictive.

But this tip is for non-members.
If you are a non-member, do not, I repeat, do not trade rares for member rare item Mondays in stores. Find a nice member who will give them to you; or comment on this blog requesting recent rare item Mondays, and I should (unless I wasn't on that Monday) be able to give them to you for practically anything.

Also I logged on to blogger this afternoon and saw I have 316 page views. I'm averaging around 16 views a day, but recently I've started to get 35 a day.
I know that sounds REALLY bad compared to nafaria9 - who gets 150 a day - but I'm proud of it :)

Sorry that this was a short post
- I don't know why I'm saying sorry, I don't even know if you guys like short posts or long posts -

I've also got a really annoying tune in my head, it goes:

Na-nar, NAR NANA, doo do ew ew, nah nah nah NARNARNARNA
<best interpretation ever>

Also, to be more sensible I want to know if a dark red fox hat is worth my red elf cuffs, someone wanted to trade me that. I was thinking about going on a rarity scan blog, but they're all from, like, 2013 - the only current ones have the standard, stereotypical rares that everyone knows the value of anyway.

See ya!

Tuesday 21 March 2017


I'm sad. I can't stay up to see my blog reach 300 views. Awwww.
It's currently on 298...
That means I've got, on average 7.09523809524 views per page. I thought that average would be higher, but hey, I've uploaded (including this post) 5 times in about 2 hours.

But hey it doesn't really matter, I can screenshot it in the morning, so hey!
Thank y'all for the landmark number.

See ya!

P.s: sorry for these short, low-quality, spam-like posts.

Thank you so much!

When I started this blog ONLY 18 DAYS AGO (I capitalised that because it's shocking how much I've achieved in 2 and a half weeks) I never knew it would be this fun.
At first I thought I was just wasting my time.

And I know I'm not famous, but I'm happy, I haven't even got 300 page views but I find it fun - and at the end of the day, that's all that matters.

And this will sound even cornier than my last sentence but it's true:

I couldn't have done it without you guys.
I'm grateful for every single page view.

And to end with, a riddle. The awnser will be in the comments below!

A plane crashes and every single person inside dies. But two survive, how can this be?
See ya!

Daily Tip (21st march)

It's the twenty-first of march...
You know what that means...

TWENNY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I'm so weird)

Because I've already posted today I'm gonna' make this short - I say that.

Aren't you all really depressed when your masterpiece isn't approved, and it's appropriate. Well, did you know that you can actually contact animal Jam headquarters and ask them if they could approve it and why they haven't.
You need to include:

The parent account
Your username
The day the masterpiece was created on.

Unfortunately I only found out about this recently :(

So, that's the tip and I would like to announce that the winner of the rare feathered mask is...


I know she added me to the blog list, but I didn't know she actually read the blogs!

Anyways, this post was, luckily relitivly short.
See ya!

New theme

I had just published my conspiracy post when I noticed blogger had updated its themes. And one was a picture of an ocean, and this is the Animal Jam Dolphin...

This post was pointless.
See ya!

A small conspiracy

Ok, I have a conspiracy. It's a small one, but I feel so proud thinking it up, I mean I've never done that before!

Anyway, you know how recently there have been a couple unreleased items; the armoury and the masterpiece token. 

Here goes!

So you know how the masterpiece token looks like a remodelled horse coin, what I'm thinking is that animal jam have been working on masterpieces for a while, a couple of years. They were also modelling this 'masterpiece token'. First they modelled it as horse.

But if they model it as a horse, why not any other animal? Is this supposed to mean something? 

And I know, there were other animal coins, but the horse one is the most famous.

And the big giveaway that animal jam were working on them is that they deleted all horse coins, this shows they were working on something.

(Sorry I'm nattering on a bit)

But my point is, horses are going to be important in the Animal Jam future...
Very important.

See ya!

Monday 20 March 2017

Daily Tip (march 20th)

I just found that out two minutes ago.

So, this daily Tip is about choosing your blogger profile picture.

But first, let me tell you about how I got mine.
I was new to blogging (I still am) and I thought, my blog would look more professional if I had a profile picture, so I went through my images and found the time I was watching a nature documentary on the iPlayer and was constantly taking screenshots of the baby orangutans and elephants. So I just thought, why not!

Basically do what I did.

To celebrate spring, the first comment on this post will win a rare carnival mask.
Comment your username and your member status.

I also bought an owl today and made such an awesome look!
I'm probably going to use it as my main look (I say that at least)

And also why not squeeze in another tip!

When playing mini-games for hours put some music on in the background or a YouTube video (unless it's falling phantoms)

Anyway this is getting to random and off topic!
See ya!

Sunday 19 March 2017

The blog studio is open!

My blog studio is now open!
If my den is not set as the enchanted hollow please jam-a-gram me requesting that you would like to see it!

See ya!

Daily tips x3 + Qn'A

1) be awesome, no items that say beta are beta. They can be bought in the beta party each year.

2) don't trade lots for a seasonal item, just wait for it to come out in stores.

3) be nice to most jammers (excluding scammers and hackers), you don't know who will become the new 'Aparri'

Ok, yes, I didn't slack of you guys!

I am going to be awnsering some Qn'A questions.

1) what was the last funny video you saw?
I honestly can't remember.

2) what do you do to get rid of stress?

3) what is something your obsessed with?
Animal Jam and art.

4) do you have any pets?
Two goldfish; scuba and king.

5) What modern day thing annoys you the most?
The overuse of text type. Why can't people be bothered to type out: be right back, gotta go, laughs out loud.

6) what do you do in your free time?
Aj, sleep

7) who is your oldest current friend?

8) if you could have any animal as a pet what would it be?
I'm boring, I just really want a cavalier King Charles spaniel, black and ginger.

9) what's your favourite number?
4, I've won countless raffles and tombolas with anything ending in 4.@

10) have you ever saved an animal or a humans life?
Really weird story, I'm gonna' put it in short:
I saved a slug from pooping to death.

See ya!

 wow i am getting so much nostalgia just going back looking through all of this. literally if anyone sees this, even if its months later, pl...