Friday 31 March 2017

The best* story ever

I externally combusted all over a penguin who then accidentally swallowed it, phoned his dad, and pooped in his car. The car wash wasn't happy so they sent the penguin into exile. His mum cried so hard she flooded the river Nile and the whole world everybody drownded, that is, except for everyone. That cured the world drought and the penguin ran home to see if his mother was alright. But then, the penguin was picked up from the sky by a flying uni-squid and taken to 'sands' casino. The squid wasted all his money on the slots machines, and got drunk, the flew off to San Francisco (aka, his mum. His mum was so fat she was a state). The penguin was all alone in the casino and cried tears of dogs. The dogs worked as minions for him until they ran away to star in the movie 101 dalmations. The penguin jumped off a cliff to see if he could fly but then he belly flopped into the sea. He then cried and walked home to New York (aka, his mum, yes his mum was fat too).

The End

I really need to get a life :-(
See ya!

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 wow i am getting so much nostalgia just going back looking through all of this. literally if anyone sees this, even if its months later, pl...