Saturday 25 March 2017

Another one of these question posts

1) what's the meaning behind your Animal Jam username?

Henrythegreat was taken so I added my lucky number, 4!

2) how did you discover Animal Jam?

It was trending in my after-school club.

3) when did you start playing Animal Jam?

Sometime during October 2013 I believe.

4) what was your first rare?

I really have no clue! I can't remember small stuff three years back! Though, if it's anything, it will be the rare policemans hat, which I think was an R.I.M at the time.

5) what's your favourite den and clothing items?

Den item would just be masterpieces in general, people are SO creative with them.
The clothing item would have to be a headdress by a long shot, but I don't have one 'cos I'm not rare:(

6) what's the one thing you wish you could change about Animal Jam?  

I wish that people wouldn't scam nor hack. I know that sounds so stereotypical.

7) what's your favourite memory on AJ?

Umm... I have no idea!

8)  who are your best buddies on AJ?

I buddy random people all the time, but my best buddy's would have to be cutiepiepet88 and slushieis who are good friends in real life.

9) is there anyone you hate on AJ?

As quoted in the Doctor Who Christmas special on December 24th 2015 "hate is a feeling too strong to waste on someone you don't like" but I dont like scammers and hackers (the stuff most people say).
And yes, I can remember quotes from TV episodes way back, and I can't remember my first rare, sad times XD!

10) have you ever been scammed, if so what was it?

Yes, I've been scammed once that I can remember. The person somehow had auto-accept on, and scammed my tan carpet for a rare item Monday.

11) do you have any plaques?

Yes, I traded little for a art plaque, and have three safety plaques.

12) what's your favourite Animal Jam emoji?

The peace sign!

13) rarest item?

If masterpieces count, I'd do my wolf with headdress one. I've been offered a bit, but the artist told me that I owned the only copy, because she wasn't allowed to save files on the computer. Or maybe my rare clover set!

That's gonna' wrap it up for now!
See ya!


 wow i am getting so much nostalgia just going back looking through all of this. literally if anyone sees this, even if its months later, pl...