Wednesday 29 March 2017

The Worlds Longest Post! Though it's really good!

No, I didn't die...
No, I didn't break my arm...
No, I didn't internally combust, vomit over my iPad, drop it into the Grand Canyon, get picked up by an alien spacecraft, and forced to do manual labour.

(My reactions tho')

Ok, since I'm want to become trendy and get all those yummy page views (and TOTALLY not get weirder) I'm going to, yes, 'going to, not "gonna'" say my thought on the 1000 buddy spots. I bet, I bet they created this just for Aparri, I mean, come on, practically no one has even 100 buddy's.  I mean, they're wasting their time developing this when they could be - scratch that, should be, giving everyone 1000 SPIKES (imagine that >.<) yes, I said it 1000 SPEIKES SPEKIS SPIKESE! (Or, they could give people 1000 lessons on how not to be weird, I guess that would be better).

Random inspirational quote:

"Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree long ago"
Warren Buffett

Ok, now to the daily tip.
I might as well do 2 tips because I didn't do one yesterday.

1) When making looks, people generally hate overly rare looks. So this is how I usually make my looks.

Choose a head item and/or a back item (if you do both, make sure they match)
Choose your secondary colour. Make this the main colour of you head/back item(s)
Choose your primary colour. This stage is up to you! Go as outrageous as you like, or bland and dull - though try to make it not too bright compared to the secondary colour.
Make your pattern colour a slightly darker shade of your primary/secondary colour.
Go through your inventory and put on items matching you look. (Feel free to buy items)
Now go and strut your stuff in Jamaa!

That was actually more complicated than I thought. Feel free to use this guide, and I'm fine if you want to put it on your own blog, just give me credit ^.^

<I don't know how or why, but recently I've been obsessed with these little faces ^.^>

Ok, tip 2)


I'm joking :-)
This may sound absurd, but when trying to trade, DONT GO TO ALDAN.
Try to go to a server with 3 dots, or a full one like Congo, but not Aldan!
This is because in Aldan most people a fighting over attention, so doing one-on-one trading doesn't really work. Sure, Aldan is spike central, but - if I were you - just slowly work your way up the rarity scale before going there.

This has nothing to do with animal jam, but, I really like clash royale, I'm decent at it. And I'm in an animal jam fan-club type thing. I used to get home and see that there were 200-or so unread chat conversations, now I come home to see, oh, 3 - and they're all just card requests. I always give away cards, even if they're cards I like but now there's no one to give them to :-( #SaveTheAnimalJamClan is a thing I've started trending on it (when I say trending, two people have said it). Also, of you want  to join, the clan name is "animal jam" and the crest is red with a yellow arrow.

And I was really looking forward to coming to Nafaria9's joint 850,000 views party (well done naffy, if you are reading this) and her birthday party (happy birthday too!) but I can't come because it's 4:00 MST (mountain standard time) which is 7 hours behind my time zone. And, I definitely won't be allowed on the computer at 11pm! Aww, I've never been to a real, organised AJ party! And Naffy is so fun!

Sorry for this mile-long post! It would be longer IF BLOGGER WASNT GLITCHING SO ANNOYINGLY!!!!!
See ya!

P.s: #PutNafaria9OnTheAJBanner I mean snowyclaws on it for blogging and she only has 14,000 page views which is measly compared to The Animal Jam Whip.

P.p.s #StopHashtaggingSuchLongHashtagsHenrythegreat4ItsSeriouslyGettingOnMyNerves! I doubt that will start trending, hehe

1 comment:

  1. Trust me, Alien Overlords didn't take over my brain and force me to write long posts! Or did they...

    - don't judge me -


 wow i am getting so much nostalgia just going back looking through all of this. literally if anyone sees this, even if its months later, pl...