Thursday 4 May 2017


*When you have a song stuck in your head but you don't know the lyrics*

So, it's the Hatapalooza. 
Executive 1: lets combine 2 popular items!
Executive 2: Spikes and Top hats!
Executive 3: and lets make it diamond!
Executive 4: We should actually make a new item!
*AJHQ kicks Executive 4 out the window*
Executive 3: I hope he didn't destroy my car's bonnet.
*Executive 4 lands on Executive 3's car bonnet*
Executive 3: HE WILL PAY!!!!!!!

But seriously, I've never owned a top hat, and I think they look cool.

So, I found my friend by the top hat stand, and we were chatting. She seemed SO pleased because she was accidentally in a sethyy video. Then some stereotypical arctic wolf says "Sethy jus copys Aparri". Then I quote that "Aparri is a mindless zombie that sells spikes" and 2 die-hard fangirls get involved. One says "DONT SAY THAT!!!!!!!" So, to annoy her, I say it again. Then, suddenly, my wifi cuts out and I'm logged out, I was so worried that she was a hacker or summat'.

Disclaimer: I didn't mean anything what I said about Aparri, I don't like him, but I only said that to annoy that boy and those girls.

But the top hats are all I care about, I know I should be "amazed" by the eyeballs, but honestly, I don't care 'bout them.

But, I feel that half of the Play Wild! Update was just an advertisement. I then I go and get this ugly blackout spike. Sheesh, this ain't 2012 (old players will hopefully find this funny). But 5 SAPPHIRES A DAY! I want an arctic wolf on AJ play wild, but a sapphire a day is AGES! I'm starting to feel like your average, day to day, paid-to-advertise blogger. But I'm not that! I'm that weird blogger that doesn't make much sense! I'm so proud.

Anyways, I'm rambling on,
See ya!


  1. By car bonnet do you mean car "hood"? Cuz I think it's pretty funny that the same car part is like same but different you know? Okay I'm weird but still get it? Bonnet? Hood? Hat? Hahahahaha

    1. Yep, I do mean hood. Pun not intended

  2. Oh and can you add scammer watch to your blog profile?

    1. I have no idea how, but scammer Watch, uh, I just really can't keep 2 blogs going at once, but I'm pretty sure I'll be sticking here


 wow i am getting so much nostalgia just going back looking through all of this. literally if anyone sees this, even if its months later, pl...