Tuesday 6 June 2017

Meh. Dang, I've already used that title before. Oh well, this'll do

I don't remember writing that post earlier named tired.
I don't remember anything earlier than 12 O'clock.
All I can remember is waking up at around midday, under a table, with colouring pencils spilled around me, a doodle on my hand and a Doctor Who hoodie layed over me, I was weirded out.
Then I swear I fell asleep at the piano.
I'm so tired.

Anyways, I was debating with my friend about spikes in jamaa township, I pointed out that all spikes are as common as each other. Then this jammer, Thejunes, but I will refer to him as "idiot A" and his friend, let's refer to him as "bystander B" start screaming at me because they think I'm wrong. So they walk over to someone wearing a magenta furry, black long, black long wrist, white tail armour and rare black bow and arrows, lets refer to them as "rare idiot C" said they weren't. Then idiot A and bystander B started calling me some really inappropriate and racist names, that I won't include because this post is already pushing the boundaries. So, I blocked and reported them. I could tell they were trying to tell me something, so I just kept on repeating "that's rich coming from you".


I got a real desperate overtrade for my dark blue fox hat earlier. Yellow-taped nerd glasses, a giant seal plushie and a readers sofa that I'm not bothered about. I was about to give the nerds to my friend, as it was their dream item, when they suddenly jam-a-grammed me saying they'd got it for a worn. So, I'm'a probably trade the nerds for another rare headfeather.
Yea, we chatted, then I taught him how to annoy die-hard roleplayers in Serapia, by screaming "I DIBS MEDICINE DEER, HUNTER, ALPHA, WARRIOR AND YO MAMA!!1!1!1!11!!!"

The meh between each paragraph, meh.

We go back to school tomorrow :(, but after that, it's only 4 more weeks. I know all you Americans have already left for summer holidays (vâçätïøñ).


I was chatting to this person, that seemed edgy, and he said "bak here in America, its hot an me and my only brother play the PS4 most dayz"

Then he proceeded to tell me that his only brother had been caught up in the London attack the other day. HOW COME HES IN AMERICA LIKE YOU JUST SAID?!?!!
And, you wouldn't be playing AJ, you'd be in the hospital with him.
People disgust me.

Anyways, got nothing more to write, but I want to tell you, it may not be 2 or 3 posts a day for a while, cos' of school, but I'll try to do 1 or 2.
See ya!


 wow i am getting so much nostalgia just going back looking through all of this. literally if anyone sees this, even if its months later, pl...