Monday 24 April 2017

The Legends Of Life, #1

I'm gonna' be stereotypical and start a fan fiction.

The Legends Of Life

Ooze, ooze, it was everywhere. The township had seen brighter days than this foul ooze. The gunge had a sickly sweet scent, the unwilling animals choked, to be saved, to be saved by Liza. The carressed phantom goop was penetrated by good, by ledgends of hope, by happiness, but most of all, trust. Trust that there would be a tomorrow, trust that there would be a brighter day, trust in humanity. But sometimes trust is too strong, way too strong...

CoolJammer367 walked up the steps to the school to apply for a job in the teaching career. The building was modern, it glistened in the sun as though an office block would, and emblazoned on the wall in cheap, golden, manufactured golden letters read, "jamaasian college". The large, oversized clock on the wall read 10:48, he was 12 minutes early, 12 minutes left, 12 minutes left, 12 minutes left...

12 minutes to save his life...

In the comments I'm gonna' be hosting a poll, does he get the job? yes or no? Remember, there is NO wrong answer.

I have now officially become a generic blogger. Check back tomorrow to read the rest!

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 wow i am getting so much nostalgia just going back looking through all of this. literally if anyone sees this, even if its months later, pl...