Saturday 29 April 2017


Sorry I haven't been posting, were having tests in school, URRRGGGGHHHH. I will try to post as much as possible, but sorry if i don't,

See ya!

Tuesday 25 April 2017

The Legends Of Life #2

Page 2 is up!

Liza bound into the laboratory. Nothing. He was not there. The stone table stood there, cracked and deceased, as ever. The telescope was there, large as ever, but something was wrong. Very wrong.

CoolJammer367 hastily sat down on the polished wooden desk. 5 books were piled up neatly to the side, one about Greely, another about Liza, Sir Gilbert, Graham and Cosmo. To the left stood a large mirror, but apart from that, the room was a stingy white. A tiger, large and majestically proud, meandered into the room. His silk-like blue fur shone, there were yellow streaks down his face, and he wore proudly, a tan, handcrafted headdress. He sat down in his chair, and spoke in a soft, yet stern voice. "Nice to meet you, Brave ColdPaw here, nephew of Sir Gilbert. Now, about this job." CoolJammer swallowed hard. It was 10:57, 3 minutes left, 3 minutes left.

Sorry if fan fiction gets a bit boring for you guys, but I enjoy writing it.
Anyways, I am never, I repeat, NEVER, doing one on warrior cats, don't worry,
See ya!

Monday 24 April 2017

The Legends Of Life, #1

I'm gonna' be stereotypical and start a fan fiction.

The Legends Of Life

Ooze, ooze, it was everywhere. The township had seen brighter days than this foul ooze. The gunge had a sickly sweet scent, the unwilling animals choked, to be saved, to be saved by Liza. The carressed phantom goop was penetrated by good, by ledgends of hope, by happiness, but most of all, trust. Trust that there would be a tomorrow, trust that there would be a brighter day, trust in humanity. But sometimes trust is too strong, way too strong...

CoolJammer367 walked up the steps to the school to apply for a job in the teaching career. The building was modern, it glistened in the sun as though an office block would, and emblazoned on the wall in cheap, golden, manufactured golden letters read, "jamaasian college". The large, oversized clock on the wall read 10:48, he was 12 minutes early, 12 minutes left, 12 minutes left, 12 minutes left...

12 minutes to save his life...

In the comments I'm gonna' be hosting a poll, does he get the job? yes or no? Remember, there is NO wrong answer.

I have now officially become a generic blogger. Check back tomorrow to read the rest!

Wednesday 19 April 2017

50 facts about me

About me

1. I'm tall for my age
2. I have a bad eye problem
3. My favourite underwater animal is the Dolphin
4. My favourite land animal is the red kite
5. My favourite Hogwarts house I'd RavenClaw and I honestly don't know why everyone hates Hufflepuff
6. I have poor sense of smell, if any, and I'm worried that one day I won't be able to at all
7. I prefer the rain to the sun
8.  My favourite colour is red
9. My favourite shade of red is mahogany
10. I love sleeping
11. My favourite YouTuber is Sethyy
12. I like to blog
13. I can barely use the AJ paint tool, but I'm pretty good in real life
14. I spend most of my time at home (when I'm off AJ) on the Animal Jam Wiki
15. My favourite item is the headdress (I know, I'm stereotypical)


16. My favourite headdress color is blue with silver
17. I used to collect plushies like mad
18. When I was new to Animal Jam, it was "cool" to collect customised plushies 
19. I have owned my account for 3 years 
20. I quit AJ for around 6 months, but my friend practically forced my to come back
21. I can't stand the color green
22. I genuinely really like fox hats
23. I think spiked collars are really stupid, you basically wearing an imapailed porcupine round your neck
24. I love winding people up on Play Wild
25. I only log on to play wild to do the treasure hunts and wind people up
26. I'm addicted to 'Colour Switch' and have over 7000 stars
27. I don't understand why people want anything with a rare plaque
28. Around 15 of my real life friends have made accounts, but only 3 are still active
29. I like to catch scammers, but I can rarely find any
30. WisteriaMoon is funny and great at art
31. I just found out yesterday that WisteriaMoon and Julian2 aren't actually in love, they did it to annoy Aparri 
32. I find it really depressing when I can't get in to WootMoos den
33. I really want the Lisa's Garden den, but I can't stop wasting my diamonds 
34. I can't help buying more and den items
35. I can spot a scammer almost instantly 
36. I think glitched items were put in AJ on purpose, to cause more drama to the community, and to  make people have something they want
37. I have never been banned on AJ
38. I used to want to scam, but I was to nooby to actually make people fall for my tricks
39. I have never scammed
40. I only actually knew there was an AJ community since about 6 months ago
41. I used to play underwater best dressed like mad
42. As soon as I saw an Aparri video, my messed up mind wanted to hack him. I have no idea why i was so stupid
43. I never actually used to trade
44. My dream item was actually my friends white phantom plushie
45. I have only been hacked once. 
46. My best friend hacked me once
47. My friend has always really wanted my Phoenix armour, but I will never trade it to him, because another good friend gave it to me just before he quit
48. I used to play Movie Star Planet when I had quit AJ, I was an idiot
49. I have never hacked anyone 
50. I don't understand why party hats are rare, I think they're ugly

Anyways, that took way to long
See Ya!

Sunday 16 April 2017


From 16-24th of April, my posting schedule will be altered. I may not be posting daily because it's the holidays.

See ya!

Saturday 15 April 2017

DAILY TIP (yes, caps is on)

Sorry, couldn't post yesterday, google was being annoying.
But, I could go on AJ, and I saw a bunch of people asking for spikes for their eggs.
Yes, I know people want eggs, but they don't want them that badly!
I NEED EGGS!!!!!!!!!!

This tip is SO corny, but, never give out your password, even to a "friend". I've made this mistake before, DONT DO IT!!!!!!
(Also send me spikes, hehe, NOM NOM NOM)

Anyways, into the void of whatever's in my suggested words bar!

The best way about this app was that the game was free so you could get it back on your time to get a rare gem on your items or gems for gems or items are you coming back on to your inventory items so I can only be able to buy a pet ladybug or something like this because they have never owned the item so they have never played a good long game because I am the game for a long long way back when playing it as well.

Yes, I talk about AJ a lot, okay!?
Don't judge me, :-(
Lol, I don't care if you do.

See ya!

Thursday 13 April 2017

What to do with a duped item

The eggs are SO cool!
Something else to waste my diamonds on!

Today in jamaa-township I saw someone saying "I accept all trades, except for necklaces", I presumed they had bad items on trade, but no, they had rare pets! I managed to get a pet ladybug, 2 pet mice and a cute orange grasshopper. They also had some RIMs on trade, so I nabbed some of them as well. Although the AJ community has SO much drama, this is the kind of thing that keeps my hope in it.

Daily Tip

If possible, buy up as many as possible eggs from the eggsstravagansa in hope they will become rare in time. Yea, short tip 'cos this blog is rubbish.

I heard there was a rumour that if you own a duped item you will be banned, so what I would do is, if you think you have a duped item, put it on a storage with a safe, secure password. Then, check back now and again to see if it's gone. After around a month or two (yes, that sounds a while, but better safe than sorry) when the fuss has died down, transfer the item from your storage (if you still have the item or the storage) onto your main account. This way, if the rumour is true, then your main account won't be banned, just a storage that means nothing to you.

See ya!

Wednesday 12 April 2017

The Value Of The Duped LPHD

I did some maths and found out that since the scandal of duplicating items, LPHDs have gone down in value by 87% percent. They used to be worth around 37 black longs, but now you struggle to get a black long. This is my chance to strike and get one! Haha! I'm still not rare enough though :(.

Haha! That looks like a sad face with a mole. :(. Hehe
 🐛... (if you can't tell, the caterpillar is pooping)

Daily Tip:

(I may have already done this one idk)
When you want to get gems, the fastest way is to do it through The Adventure Training Grounds. You  get around 67% more gems than if you won a game of falling phantoms.

Anyways, gotta' go waste all my diamonds making masterpieces!
See ya!

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Daily Tip but differently...

Today this post will be written in rhyme,
Though I'm not too sure I will have the time,
To edit this,
So if you see mistakes, just give 'em a miss.

Today in Jamaa, all anyone was talking about was the dupes,
And even in Woot's,
No one wanted to trade for rares,
Not even the creepy polar bears,
Everyone was too scared that they were gonna fall victim to a scam,
And the people with the legitimate rares just said "damn".
You see, magenta furrys used to be worth 50 black longs,
Now they're only 18, due to people's wrongs,
I'm surprised that 2 YouTubers got banned,
All the while, on their jammer wall, they got spammed.
I was a fan of LegitNick, and thought he was genuinely rare,
Still, I judged his polar bear,
But when I heard about this on Naffy's post this morn,
I was so shocked, I wanted to run out and scream on my lawn,
And TheAnimalAJ21 used this mod too,
I thought they were just kind, but no, they did the wrong thing, do,
I feel really embarrassed now,
Wow, just wow.

Anyways, on a lighter point,
I traded for a pet mouse,
Only a yellow beard,
Sorry this post is really weird.

Now for the infamous daily tip,
If you need to nip,
Of to the bathroom,
Don't leave you account up, and suddenly, BOOM,
You get hacked by your annoying sibling,
They even stole those prized Cupid wing!
Just close your tab,
And no one can nab your rares, nab.

Anyway this poem is far too long,
So I'm gonna' end with an unexpected bong,

See ya!

Monday 10 April 2017

Daily Tip (10th April)

Lol, this blog is dead. No one reads it anymore, but who cares, im'a still post.

I was in WootMoo's trading, and I got these tan Cupid wings for 2 elf helmets and a pair of elf bracelets. If they are glossy - I have no idea how to tell - that headdress is right there for me. But if they're not, I don't care, because I made a snazzy look. Whilst I was in WootMoos, I saw someone with a glitched magenta short collar, a glitched short wrist and 2 magenta furrys. If only I was them.
I believe there are only 7 magenta short collars in the game.

I REALLY waste ALL my diamonds on art. I'm probably gonna' recycle my easel so I can start saving.

Daily Tip,

Nobody cares about gems, until they run out. So the fastest way to get them is not actually playing games, but to do The Adventure Training Grounds. If you do it quickly, you can get around 5 gems a second. (Well, the fastest way is to actually become a YouTuber, and then recycle all the RIMs you get given).

See ya!

Sunday 9 April 2017

Daily Tip (9th April)

I feel like I'm slipping away from this community...
Just because I haven't posted in 3 days.

I'm REALLY sorry 'bout that y'see I was away for 3 days and there was no wifi, urgghh.
<random alert>
But I do have 17 phantom plushies

My fish died today,

Scuba The Goldfish
With us for a year and a day

And I made a pretty decent art of him on AJ to show my respect <sniffle>
My bedside lamps bulb just blew...

Never mind.

This post is WAY too random. Let's just get to the daily tip,

If your trying to get people to overtrade, do it carefully. Don't say "add a black long" because that sounds more than saying "add 4 good longs". This will make people think they're getting a good deal, when honestly, they're not. Say the item that you want them to add on's (and a small bit) worth, not the item itself.

Anyways, gotta' stop this randomness,
See ya!

Thursday 6 April 2017


Hey there, I thought of a special competition for my 500 page views landmark.
The first person that can get all the giraffe plushies, and tell me, will win a special prize! (Lel, I haven't thought of it).

But for the people who don't collect plushies, I have another competition,
Choose 2 numbers between 1 and 50 and comment it on this post. A random number will be chosen, and a lucky jammer will win the other fantastic prize I can't think of yet!

Both competitions will end at the end of the month,
Anyways, good luck,
See ya!

The newest, coolest item + the usual daily tip

I've got the first 2 lines of Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran stuck in my head.

I saw a few scammers say they were promos. :( they're not, they're in the diamond shop.
I may have traded one away for a decent Aparri fan art for my gallery.
They look awesome on penguins and otters.

Daily Tip:

Don't scam on second accounts, your first account can still be banned.
If you scam on an account - any - AJ's first step is not to ban your second account, but to type in your IP address of the second account, look at the most frequently played accounts on that IP address, then suspended them. Once you've been suspended they look into the matter, and if you have done wrong they shall ban you.

Anyways, gotta' go write a scam update post on the SWOAJ blog.
See ya!

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Halfway on the road to 1000

No, there is no road, I just have got 509 page views. This sounds really petty, and to be honest, it is.

I would do a giveaway, but there's nothing that I really have to giveaway.

I'm so happy that I'm not typing in capitals.

Anyways, thank you everyone,
See ya!

Free art commissions + daily tip

Sorry, I couldn't post yesterday because I had way to much homework. I then set up a plushie farm, and got 12 phantom plushies (I believe collectors will trade up to a worn blanket) fell asleep in a nap that was supposed to be an hours long, but I woke up at 1 in the morning.

I am now, (as I announced on the aj wiki) doing art commissions, for free.
I don't want anything because I just want to practice my skills. So, just comment on any post saying what you want. I can't guarantee they will be good, it is free after all.

Ok daily tip,

Setting up a plushie farm on a rare claw is a brilliant idea. You can then trade away them to collectors, or just make a snazzy den. Then set up your farm - do this by opening up the claw tab, then waying down the spacebar. Go and have a nap, watch some YouTube, read this AWESOME blog (sooo modest) ect. Ect. My friend has a rare claw, but he is non-member so he can't place it in his den. I am loaning it from him, a customised plush now and again. The claw SHOULD always be in my den, but it may not, sorry if it isn't.

See ya!

Monday 3 April 2017

The most (not) frequently asked question + announcement

This is the most frequently (not, because no one reads this blog and it's bad) asked question on this blog.

What is your favourite (IRL) emoji.

Well, it's the poop emoji. I know that's soo stereotypical.

💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

I once saw a boy that had to explain to his mum that it wasn't
"A little, chocolatey kiss"
And it was poo.
She seemed SO embarrassed!

See ya!

P.s: sorry for this random post.
P.p.s: from around 8th - 22nd of April, posts will not be as frequent because it's the school holidays, and to be honest, I need a break. There will still be posts, they just won't be daily. I do roughly 2.5 posts a day, which is fantastic to most bloggers twice a week. So yes, I need a break.

My friend got hacked

Are rare nerd glasses worth anything?
I traded a rare black shark fin for it, but I really don't mind if it was over.

Anyways, I have been friends with a small-time, animal jam livestreamer for a couple of months now - they have 176 subscribers at the time of this post. I was customising my look when I got a buddy request from a rare non-member, and I accepted because I like buddy's. They then say,
"Do you know songs?"
(Xxsongsxx was the YouTuber)
"This is my second, songs was hacked".

She then tells me that they changed her password and everything. I then follow her into her buddy's den, as usual she has quite rare non member buddy's. She then goes and gives me this nice promo fancy beret and I make a really messed up looking fox (on purpose that is). She is so kind.

She also does regular livestreams where she gives out spikes to lucky subs. Though I'm not lucky   :(

But she doesn't seem too scarred, which is good.

Anyways, go sub,
See ya!

Sunday 2 April 2017

Daily Tip (3rd April)

Sorry that you have had to read these dodgy posts for so long :-(

Anyway, daily Tip:

Never dress "cool" on best dressed. Unless the theme is cool, for that matter.
People ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. I always used to do it, trust me, people won't vote for you.
Just stick to theme, always.

See ya!

Why the rarity system is so messed up

1) Rare spikes are rarer than diamond spikes.
There are about 800,000,000 rare spikes in the game; and there are only about 10,000,000 diamond spikes in the game.

2) rare longs are rarer than short spikes.
There are roughly 2,000,000 more rare longs than shorts.

3) no old items are recognised.
People prefer a headdress to a tan tiki; tan tikis being older and rarer.

4) seasonal items come SO rare after they've just left.

5) rare item Mondays from 2012 are considered nothing, even when you can't buy them or obtain them. People would choose spikes over them, even when the rim is rarer.

6) spikes look like impailed porcupines, people only want them for status.

7) people say "den beta"
 this actually means "den from the testing period"... ummm what?!

8) spikes rarity
You trade 10 fox hats for a good long. Good deal, right? Wrong. Spikes are WAY more common than fox hats, but are considered rarer.

9) the term "good long"
People say "good long" or "bad short". This actually intirely based off someone's opinion on their colour choice.

10) black longs
All long and short spikes are distributed evenly, yet, you trade 4 "good" longs for a spiked collar that is as common as the next.

Sorry most of these were about spikes, I couldn't help but rant on about them.
Anyways, I gotta' run,
See ya!

My thoughts on the alphas

In this post I will list my thoughts on the alphas, so let's get started.

Oh, yea, come at me and beat me up with that paintbrush of yours! <sarcasm>
She literally has eye piercings and has a patched ear. She's not a teddy, is she?...

No. 1
You wear WAY too much makeup.
No. 2
Why are you constantly taking photos of us? You stalker!
No. 3
You don't fight, you stay to protect the land.

Bepper loves greely. And bepper is one of the better AJ YouTubers. But she just doesn't get that he's used in practically every adventure and that he doesn't actually fight; he just fakes his own death all the time.

What do you even do with that weird horn!? And what your wearing on your legs is highly inappropriate for a kids game; possibly even illegal in real life. And your just a farmer!

So much to say about Graham,
His eyebrows are practically worms,
His beard is SO untidy,
He wears a sundial and he's the inventor!
With the way he has his hands on the fox's head on the homepage, you'd think he's a kidnapper.

Sir Gilbert
The best alpha of the lot.
Tidy, on-point beard,
Is practically the only alpha that fights,
Is just awesome,
Looks cool,
Did I mention he's awesome?

See ya!

My Confession

It's almost been a month since I created this blog.
Because of this, I have a confession, one that I'm truly ashamed of.

I didn't start this blog for fun. I started this blog because I wanted (please note the past tense there) to become famous, and people to gift me stuff. I can't believe that was my mindset 1 month ago, this blog has changed me as a jammer and a human (that sounds so cringeworthy, but it's true) I'm not greedy and I like to give things away, because it makes me feel happy seeing others happy (that sounds cringey too). Sure, it would be nice if people sent me stuff, but I don't really care that much, and becoming famous is a bonus, not a priority. The priority of this blog is to make people laugh about how wierd I am, and to show and tell people different things that they may have not know.

Sorry this post was REALLY cringeworthy, so I'm gonna' stop before it gets even more so.

See ya!

P.s: I got that tissue, don't worry (lel, I bet no one was worrying, 'cos nobody actually reads this blog.

Daily Tip (2 April)

Ok, I'm gonna' make this post short because I feel REALLY ill. They said 'some fresh air will do you good'. They forgot I had TERRIBLE hay fever.

No. 1)
I bought the spring claws. I then thought "wait... that top hat is glitched, it says "smol" not "small" omg, I hate my life". (I couldn't buy it because I had only 1 diamond)
I logged on 10 hours later to see that it wasn't misspelled, phew!

No. 2)
Daily Tip:
(I totally didn't make that up on the spot because I need to end this post quickly due to the fact my nose is crazily snotty)

Anyways, I need that tissue!
Please don't judge (lol, I seriously don't care if you do)
See ya!

Saturday 1 April 2017

Some Stuff (I can't be bothered to think of a title, lel)

Two fans met me in my den today, the thing is I never knew I had fans. I thought there was no such thing as a 'henrythegreat4' fan. One said that he had never met a famous jammer before - I honestly don't consider myself famous, I started this blog because I was bored, just under a month ago, and I now have almost 500 views. So, my point is I don't think I'm famous. They then kept on complimenting my art and I had to admit that I waste all of my diamonds on it. They then buddy requested me and I accepted because I like friends (that sounds REALLY cringeworthy). They said 'your blob is really awesome' (I presume they meant 'blog' and hope they didn't imply it as a really dirty word that I shall not say 'cos kids read this).

I saw Naffy's post and entered the photo competition with my friend (who doesn't even know it, lel) to win that SPIEK TAHT JIUCY SIPIEK. Seriously though, that orange short wrist would really help me to get a headdress (MAI DRAEM IETM!!!!!!).

I did a hilarious April fools day prank 'cos Jamaa Township was SO boring.
I screamed:


Soon, everybody believed it and there were the odd 1 or 2 people left, trying to trade.
Then, after 5 minuets people started to doubt it, but still a few random people believed that Aparris second account was in the centre of people.
Then it was boring, so I revealed it was a joke, I then did it twice more in other lands.
Feel free to try this joke out yourself!

See ya!

 wow i am getting so much nostalgia just going back looking through all of this. literally if anyone sees this, even if its months later, pl...