Monday 29 May 2017

* when you get one of your dream items in an under trade, you put it on, and it looks rubbish *

It's just...

Life's been a hell of a ride lately.

I've broken my leg.
Schools been dishing out more homework than ever, even though we've done our exams.
I've got to learn 50 or so lines for the school production.
Arts been taking over my life.
My eye problem has been getting worse, and I need to exercise them an hour a day.
Hay fever has started early this year, and its come strong.
I'm packing for a holiday tomorrow.
My fish have been getting their tank dirtier and dirtier, yesterday I took a photo of a tissue covered in dark green algae.
And I do manage to hold on Aj each day, but most of that time is spent not doing anything productive, I chat or paint.
I prefer rain to sun (I'm weird), and the sun is strong, and burns me a lot because I have weak skin.
I'm not getting any time to blog.
I've had this recent obsession with The Lion King, were I have to draw Rafiki and Sarabi over and over.
My broken finger has just healed.
I'm doing weird art with old socks and fidget spinners - don't ask.
In literacy we're doing creative writing, and it's not creative at all, we're just rewriting a video.
Water fights with my brother are becoming more and more regular.
I've got sleeping troubles.
I have more headaches than not, due to my eyesight.

I'm paranoid.

So yea, a rollercoaster that seems to be going downhill, with little jumps up.


Thursday 25 May 2017

Omg, I never realised how long it took to get a silver and gold elf tail armour in the new adventure.
I've got way too much silver and not enough gold.
I promised to get my non member friend one, and she must feel so happy.
Ah-well, I'll carry on tomorrow.

Anyways, I love the coyotes but I don't have enough diamonds:( (to be honest, that is my fault because I did buy I lion yesterday so I could be one of those annoying people that sing Disney songs)

Uh, loads of this update is fake news, so I'm'a end this post and go on pay wild (as king bean calls it, jk, I'm not that die-hard).

See ya!

Wednesday 24 May 2017

The Lion King

I'm really considering making a an AJ film, the lion king, with crazy editing. But I'm afraid it'd take about 2 weeks just to prepare before filming, a week or two OF filming, then about a month of editing. No, I don't just have a spare two months laying around.

Today I was at a sporting event (I won't say what it was because STALKER ALERT), and in the queue for southern fried chicken, was a boy that looked like Aparri. He just stared at me as I walked past, it was so creepy.
But here's why I think it wasn't him:

1) why would he be in Europe in the first place?
2) he wasn't ugly enough
(The last one was a joke, don't hate - I know die-hard Aparri fans will, but I don't really care)

Recently I've been getting better at trading. In the last three days I've gotten a purple short collar and a green short wrist. I traded both away for masses of carnival rares because I like investing.

I've no idea what else to write so...
Wait! I got the part of Mufasa!
But a really annoying girl got Sarabi (Mufasas wife), so, well...

Anyways, I gotta' go breathe ("my excuses are SO original")
See ya!

Friday 19 May 2017

Do-do-do-doo-dooo do do dad doo.
In the jungle the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.
Awimbawe amwimbawe amwimbawe
Do do do doo do do da do doo

Yes, for our school production we're doing the lion king. I'm going to audition for the role of Mufasa. Because, he's cool.

Anyway, I just wanted to post, telling you's I'm not dead, I'm just a bit busy at the moment.

Awimbawe, awombawe

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Club penguin

What's that song called? Urgghh
Do dooo do do da, do dooo do da, nevermind.

Today I have a very pressing issue to talk to you about.
No, really, I do.
When something like this happens, it just tragically amazing.
Just about half an hour a go, the person that created club penguin, posted a picture on instagram showing his daughter playing animal jam with her friends. She looked so happy. I honestly found this amazing.

Anyways, short post,
See ya!

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Codes + randomness

Yea! In da house boiz, 700 pageviews! Uh-huh! I bet that sounded so weird.
So, I found out all the codes for the readers stuff.

Couch: Getready2jam
Chair: aj4ever
Lamp: paws4friends

Today I actually found out why Julian2 did to get suspended for a bit, and I can't say I blame AJ. I really can't get it out of my head, but I can't show you, because probably all of you will be kids, and well, I'll probably would get suspended myself. And we don't want that, do we?!
(Well, if you hate me, and if you find me annoying - which you probably will do - you won't care)

Yes, the new SpinnyBoi is out, but because I'm a diverse bean, I always put the outfit on a wolf, mainly to annoy the dedicated spinnyboiz that take over Aparris den all the time.

I saw some amazing minion memes today (yes, so off-topic):
"Stop acting like you know everything, unless you're google, in which case, carry on"
"I don't care about what you think of me, unless you think I'm awesome, you'd be right, carry on"
"I hate it when I walk in to a restaurant and the waiter asks me I I'd like a table. No, I'd like the floor"
"I hate it when someone knocks on your door and asks if you have a toilet. No, we pee in the garden"

The randomness.
My fingers getting better as we speak, yay!

Anyways, I'm just yapping on,
See ya!

Monday 15 May 2017

Eleventh tongue

It's surprisingly hard to use a fidget spinner with a broken finger.
Don't do it, it hurts.

Anyway, because I have nothing better to do, I'm gonna' write this post in the eleventh tongue (posh old English)

So, todayeth, I saw, yonder through the worldeth of jamaa, some fantasticeth arteth. I was, like, OMGeth. By the wayeth, this posteth will probably get weirdeth.
I've really gotteneth into drawingeth I.R.Leth, I just like doing iteth. I've wastedeth, likeeth, 5 biro's.
Soeth, in result of thateth, I'm not playing the AJ to mucheth,
*crieth hardeth*
Anywayseth, I haveeth no ideaeth wereeth this posteth is goingeth,
See yaeth!
                 ~henrythegreat4(eth, hehe)

By the way, I may have eleven tongues, MWAHAHA


Hi asked me to, so I did.
New, short SWOAJ post up!

Friday 12 May 2017

Umm... sorry 'bout the posting. I just, well, had tests.
And then, it was SOO cool, they took us out for pizza in the park afterwards.

Anyways, I love the snowflake arctic wolves.
But AJ messed up one thing, just one thing. What happened to the good ol' jamaa journal,
"Don't replace something if it's not broken"
It not a journal, now, it's a billboard.
But most of this update is fake or old news.
They added platypuss as the new egg pet, I did some research. I'm gonna' make a bunch of blue eggs, then hopefully one will hatch as a platypus, and I can name it Perry, "phineas and ferb reference".

Anyways I knew this post would be short, there may be one coming later in the day if I can remember to post it :p

See ya!

Tuesday 9 May 2017


More official school tests, urgh.
I should be posting again by Friday.
See ya!

Saturday 6 May 2017

100th post special

I need to make an announcement for my 100th post special.
I'm quitting blogging.
It's too hard, time consuming and...

(I bet I fooled no one)

But, i wanted to say, recently, the views have been racking up, which is good. Before I used to get, 'bout 3, nowadays it's about 10. I know, I know, that's really, REALLY petty, but hey.

I actually got gifted a orange short from this random stranger. I was SOO happy. :)
I made a snazzy look with it too.
So, what to do, what to do.
Ah! Yes.

So I realised that top hats will only be here for one more day, so, i'ma do the reasonable thing.
Waste all my gems on them then seriously doubt myself.
(Won't we all do that)

I watched the VidCon trailer for AJ, and what AJ said in the comments DISGUSTED me.
People were asking why Julian2 wasn't coming, and what was answered?
"He's traveling with his family"
Quoted BY AJ.
We all know the real reason. Just come clean about the topiary problem. Once you do that, then forgive him, I'll be happy.

So, I don't actually know what's "special" about this post, but hey.
See ya!

AJ fails

*casually decorates his den, then realises that he actually has time to write a blog post*

Hello, welcome, welcome to my blog.
(I know, I know, I sound stereotypical)

Umm... yesterday I did a massive doodle on my arm (as-per-usual) when I realised I did it in a sharpie. I asked around jamaa (it was really awkward) and came to the conclusion to use nail varnish remover. It worked, but it was so embarrassing asking my mum for some.

Today, I will be sharing my Animal Jam fails.
(These are in no particular order)
(Disclaimer: I didn't come up with this idea, I got it from "The Animal Jam Glimmer Galaxy")

1) so, I was roleplaying, my friend somehow convinced me, and I was adopting a "child". Well, this child fell down the stairs, broke her arm, went into the MICROWAVE while it was on. She even had red splotches as "blood". Me and my other daughter were just so shocked. She (my sensible daughter) jam-a-gramed me telling me to dump her off on the side of the road because she was ill in the head.
Then, there must have been a moderator watching, because suddenly the "annoying child" disappeared, and I had bubble chat for 2 days. So, I hope that baby was banned.

But anyways, I had bubble chat, and then suddenly, I got logged out of my account repeatedly. I was scared as BLEEP. But, then it stopped. So, I go over to my friend to tell them, and, oh, bubble chat. I quickly changed my password. I'm pretty sure nothing was taken though, luckily.

2) I was working on this detailed art, it had taken me half an hour so far. I go and get a milkshake, when I come back to the computer, oh, "you were gone for too long and logged out, click 'ok' to play again", the thing is, I didn't use to save my art every time a left the computer.

3) uhh... I don't know, umm...
Oh yea! I remember, this one is a small one though.
When you wait for a party, go away for a bit, then realise that you overshot it by a few minutes.

Anyways, 100th post special coming out tomorrow,
See ya!

Friday 5 May 2017

Oh no! The Aparri outro is stuck in my head! I must do something kind, so it gets out. I know, give non members top hats, like I did earlier! But really, I know this is cringeworthy, but other people smiling makes me smile. Plus, I recycle the junk, and get a profit, voila!

Today's post is kinda' going to be a rant thread.
Scratch that, the community is too negative.
Today I'm going to be talking about the good things in AJ.

Those people who don't make stereotypical arctic wolf looks,
Seriously, we need more people to play as the bunny and the owl, and be creative (I know that word might be a little hard for some of you to process)

When you have a friend, and you find out that they're famous,
This has happened to me twice, the first time I had a buddy called "eewoof" and they gifted me an awesome masterpiece of a Labrador. The second is my buddy, "chloethebanana" an amazing artist, but only recently I found out she was famous, on instagram I saw loads of fan art for her.

When you're writing a blog post and you can't think of another list point, so you write something witty,

Anyways, gotta' run,
See ya!

Thursday 4 May 2017


*When you have a song stuck in your head but you don't know the lyrics*

So, it's the Hatapalooza. 
Executive 1: lets combine 2 popular items!
Executive 2: Spikes and Top hats!
Executive 3: and lets make it diamond!
Executive 4: We should actually make a new item!
*AJHQ kicks Executive 4 out the window*
Executive 3: I hope he didn't destroy my car's bonnet.
*Executive 4 lands on Executive 3's car bonnet*
Executive 3: HE WILL PAY!!!!!!!

But seriously, I've never owned a top hat, and I think they look cool.

So, I found my friend by the top hat stand, and we were chatting. She seemed SO pleased because she was accidentally in a sethyy video. Then some stereotypical arctic wolf says "Sethy jus copys Aparri". Then I quote that "Aparri is a mindless zombie that sells spikes" and 2 die-hard fangirls get involved. One says "DONT SAY THAT!!!!!!!" So, to annoy her, I say it again. Then, suddenly, my wifi cuts out and I'm logged out, I was so worried that she was a hacker or summat'.

Disclaimer: I didn't mean anything what I said about Aparri, I don't like him, but I only said that to annoy that boy and those girls.

But the top hats are all I care about, I know I should be "amazed" by the eyeballs, but honestly, I don't care 'bout them.

But, I feel that half of the Play Wild! Update was just an advertisement. I then I go and get this ugly blackout spike. Sheesh, this ain't 2012 (old players will hopefully find this funny). But 5 SAPPHIRES A DAY! I want an arctic wolf on AJ play wild, but a sapphire a day is AGES! I'm starting to feel like your average, day to day, paid-to-advertise blogger. But I'm not that! I'm that weird blogger that doesn't make much sense! I'm so proud.

Anyways, I'm rambling on,
See ya!

Wednesday 3 May 2017


Aj is REALLY going all out on promos recently.
They're just getting themselves rich, so when AJ closes, they're well off, sadly. *cries silently
But sure, if they're releasing cute fox plushies, who cares at all, 'cos sure, it ain't me.
But seriously, 35 smackeroonies (dollars, for those who don't know) for this plastic house and an ugly animal toy, count me out!

Sorry if this post gets ranty (yes, yes I did just invent a new word) or very pessimistic.

But Animal Jam aren't thinking straight, they're releasing a light up ring toy, that's an octopus, with a pet reindeer, tell me how that would work. Either:

A. The pet reindeer would drown
B. The octopus would suffocate

(I'm hosting a poll in the comments, comment what you would rather happen, either A or B. Yes, I'm weird if you hadn't noticed)
(I vote B because I think octopi are ugly)
But seriously, that's not gonna' end well. But if it were an octopus, then wouldn't it be an underwater light up ring?! Ooh, a debate with myself, bring it on me! I feel like nobody would use that, because the only reason people go underwater is to buy the diamond spikes.

But I feel like the coolest items are (plot twist, I'm being optimistic) promo, take peacock feathers for instance, they're cool. But that's probably because AJ make money out of it.

Anyways, I gotta' run, stuff to do, places to be,
See ya!

Tuesday 2 May 2017

party at nymph's

Ok, lets get hyper! This way I can ramble on making a long post, that no one actually reads!

So, I've been thinking, canidae, it's a pet food brand, so maybe it's a tame dog?
Or it's the jackal, I have no idea how this could be, I just saw this all over The Daily Explorer.
Or, hopefully, it's a fennec fox. I really hope it is.

I'm not gonna' explain why for all of these, because this is a rubbish blog, and everyone reads the famous blogs first, so, y'all will already know.

I saw nymphybyalba (however you spell it) today, and a group of strangers and I were just chatting with her, but get this, one person (this was in their den) had one of the two only pairs of magenta cat ears in the game, and, they had the only magenta phantom necklace. Talk about rare. We were all showing our art to nymph, and I showed her this really complex ShopKing fanart that took me 5 hours, and she complimented me on it, I felt so proud :). She was also buddying everyone in the den, and my really kind friend was giving out spikes randomly - no, unfortunately I didn't win one (lol, not like anyone cares).

Ok, I presume y'all are bored of me talking about my day, so, I might as well go,
See Ya!

Monday 1 May 2017

My predictions

I just realised I had 600 page views, yay! That's actually a really petty number, I know. Ok, I have some announcements:

I am stopping doing the daily tip, as it's gotten a bit boring
I am stopping my fan fiction, as it's rubbish
I may not be posting daily, as school is really catching up to me
I am on the AJ wiki

(That last one was really irrelevant)

And because I have no idea how to make this post actually long, im'a do some predictions for AJ in a years time. (I did this on the wiki, and someone said if I get them all right, he'll give me his lphd, like that's gonna' happen though).
My predictions for Animal Jam, May 1st, 2018:

There will be five new animals
Three famous AJ YouTubers will be banned in a mass scandal, two will quit, but one will keep playing
There will be 8 more adventures
There will be a new land
Two more spike related items will come out
Three store-bought items will leave and instantly be worth a lot
Two "unreleased" items will be discovered, one will be a promo, the other will be real
Two more light-up-ring figures will be created

(Btw, this is not at all the same as what I posted about the wiki)
I can't stop talking about the AJ wiki, I bet this seems like an advertisement
See ya!

 wow i am getting so much nostalgia just going back looking through all of this. literally if anyone sees this, even if its months later, pl...