Thursday 8 June 2017

Weird roleplay thing post ma-bob

*casually logs on to AJ*
*notices new den, is shocked that AJ cares about the underwater still*
*goes to buy it, but then realises it diamond and had just wasted his diamonds on skunk tails for my raccoon*
*cant be bothered*
*thinks, I knew about world ocean day, I'm special*
*notices spam on my jammer wall because I don't have a claw machine in my den*
*makes another raccoon*
*goes on my storages to buy skunk tails*
*has 4 skunk tails*
*feels a million dollars*
*goes to a trading race game-thing and wins a brown pirate sword and a white diamond short collar*
*is happy*
*goes to write post on this weird blog*
*quickly sees page view count and realises I need 3 more to reach a thousand*
*is happy*
*writes post*
*signs off*
See ya!

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Spikes in my mail

Sorry this post is late (as ever), I got caught up stalking old animal jam blogs and YouTube channels. I found this hardcore challenge blog, that did a monthly giveaway if you answered a confuzzling maths equation.

Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to

But today I got two SPEIKZ IN MAI MAIL!1!!1!1!
One was from a friend, and a rare pink short collar (wow, so, tiger, if you happen to stumble across my rubbish blog, thanks)
And one was a blackout wrist from a stranger that messaged "happy spike day", so I presume they watch viofy.

My leg feels weird. I'm weird because I feel my leg.

Unsuccessful trading my nerds away for a headfeather today, I must've got lucky last time, though hopefully not. I've herd of headfeathers fetching up to a bad long, but honestly, I just want to keep mine, and nerds around a bad long wrist, which may decline as they're an adventure prize.

Why have do I have the pink panther theme tune stuck in my head?! It's been 3 years since I watched an episode, thinking of that, I might watch another soon.

I've seen loads of people throughout this community wanting pride flags, so I went out my way to make an American rainbow flag. I made it, but then remembered that AJ GLITCHED MY ACCOUNT SO I CAN TRADE ART!!! And their email support is practically useless. They've been "sorting out" my account for 4 months now.

I can't think of anything else to write about, if I do, it'll be in a new post.
See ya!

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Meh. Dang, I've already used that title before. Oh well, this'll do

I don't remember writing that post earlier named tired.
I don't remember anything earlier than 12 O'clock.
All I can remember is waking up at around midday, under a table, with colouring pencils spilled around me, a doodle on my hand and a Doctor Who hoodie layed over me, I was weirded out.
Then I swear I fell asleep at the piano.
I'm so tired.

Anyways, I was debating with my friend about spikes in jamaa township, I pointed out that all spikes are as common as each other. Then this jammer, Thejunes, but I will refer to him as "idiot A" and his friend, let's refer to him as "bystander B" start screaming at me because they think I'm wrong. So they walk over to someone wearing a magenta furry, black long, black long wrist, white tail armour and rare black bow and arrows, lets refer to them as "rare idiot C" said they weren't. Then idiot A and bystander B started calling me some really inappropriate and racist names, that I won't include because this post is already pushing the boundaries. So, I blocked and reported them. I could tell they were trying to tell me something, so I just kept on repeating "that's rich coming from you".


I got a real desperate overtrade for my dark blue fox hat earlier. Yellow-taped nerd glasses, a giant seal plushie and a readers sofa that I'm not bothered about. I was about to give the nerds to my friend, as it was their dream item, when they suddenly jam-a-grammed me saying they'd got it for a worn. So, I'm'a probably trade the nerds for another rare headfeather.
Yea, we chatted, then I taught him how to annoy die-hard roleplayers in Serapia, by screaming "I DIBS MEDICINE DEER, HUNTER, ALPHA, WARRIOR AND YO MAMA!!1!1!1!11!!!"

The meh between each paragraph, meh.

We go back to school tomorrow :(, but after that, it's only 4 more weeks. I know all you Americans have already left for summer holidays (vâçätïøñ).


I was chatting to this person, that seemed edgy, and he said "bak here in America, its hot an me and my only brother play the PS4 most dayz"

Then he proceeded to tell me that his only brother had been caught up in the London attack the other day. HOW COME HES IN AMERICA LIKE YOU JUST SAID?!?!!
And, you wouldn't be playing AJ, you'd be in the hospital with him.
People disgust me.

Anyways, got nothing more to write, but I want to tell you, it may not be 2 or 3 posts a day for a while, cos' of school, but I'll try to do 1 or 2.
See ya!
100 page views in 2 days, kewl. Meh.
I'm  mainly bothered about entertaining people though.
Meh, I like that word, meh.
Meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh

Monday 5 June 2017


I'm tired. The whole house is asleep until 3 more minuets. Then the alarms go off, and everyone is awake. Yawn. I had a really rough night.

I don't know what to talk about, I just want to write.
But I need something to talk about.
I'm considering ranting or conspiring, but I cant be bothered.
I want to draw, but I don't wanna' get out of bed.
My stomach hurts.
It's cold.
I'm cold.
The duvet on the floor and I've only got a quilt.
The only things that I can move seem to by my fingers.
I'm comfy.
I'm happy.
I'm tired.
Wait, the alarms are starting.
NOOO! I'll have to get out of bed.
I feel like this is turning into a creepypasta, so I'm gonna end it here.

See ya!
            ~Yawnsiringly henrythegreat4

How to make an item look rarer than it is, without lying or scamming

I'm bored. So I've done this post, testing out an apparent theory.

Method 1)
Put it on a trade list with a bunch of rare stuff.

Umm... this doesn't work.

Method 2)
Put it on a look with a bunch of rare stuff

Kinda' works, could do better.

Method 3)
Put a junky rim on trade and scream "doing trade attempts for (insert junky rim here)"

Ooh! Kewl I got traded 4 other junky rims. Which I can recycle and get gems from, kewlness.

This post was a waste of time, meh.
See ya!
Wow, 23 Greek people have read this blog. Hello there Greek people!!11!!1!1!!
O my life. 60. Page views. Today. wow. I'm. Scared. Is. This. A. Hack?

Why we can't have nice things

I've been planning this post for a while, but have only recently been bothered to gather the information.

I really don't need to explain this one, because:
A) you already know
B) this is a children's blog

The original medical centre 
There was a bed in it, so, yea.

Y'know the Julian2 incident (topiaries mating)

Squash chair
People use this for, you know, mating, but in an even more inappropriate way.

The original skullies
All these things are about mating, ok?!

Meh. Was a super-duper rare, glitched item around 2011. It appeared orange, but when put on an animal it would turn white. I could best discribe this item as...

Ok, you figured the last one was fake.
But seriously, all these creeps are ruining it for us.
This post was way shorter than I thought it was, ah-well, I already posted earlier.
See ya!


Ok. I'm scared. This is creeeepy. So far today, I've got 48 page views. Let's put that into perspective. My maximum before was something like 19.
LOSTFAIRY AND NAFARIA, STAY ON HOLIDAY! I'm becoming popuuular! Kęŵłïø.
Now I need 150 more 'till I reach a thousand (which will happen if you, yes you! Keep coming here, forever and ever).

Anyways, I just happened (ye right) to come across viofy and a jammer with load of RAREZZZ talking. The rare one said, lets go to your den, so they both went. And I just happened to come in with them. They started chatting, I joined in, and they taught me stuff about RAREZ that I didn't know. Apparently, there are only 11 yellow phantom rugs in the game, and Aparri owns 3 (so, totally not predictable) and there are actually about 15 pares of magenta candy cane socks, when I used to think there were only 2. Then they both went AFK, then I lagged out, then meh.

I made a cringey "meh." drawing today, so yea, meh.

I learnt the script for the lion king (our school play), and I will totally give someone a cookie if they know who says this line:


This contest is totally-legitimate-and-real-and-definitely-not-trying-to-get-lots-of-comments-on-this-post-so-I-look-Këŵł :p definitely

When I do this face :p I feel like naffy. And naffy. Has a bunch of fans so :p :p :p :p

Anyways, I'll probably post later if I can think of something.
See ya!

Sunday 4 June 2017

Fidget spinner

I just wanted to quickly say, but you know the new triple innertube? I saw it on the Animal Jam wiki, and someone had vandalised the page so it said:

This item resembles a cheap, knock-off fidget spinner for $3. Its a knockoff, so it doesn't have any bearings or the middle thingy-mabob, so it cant unfortunately spin.

That was copied and pasted! Łęł.
But someone made it sensible about half an hour later

Today I posted a lot, because, well, I feel bad, people checking back here everyday to look for a post, then you not getting anything.

See ya!
Wow I'm actually getting close to 1000 page views.
Well, I'm off by 208, but still.

Anyways, I've been wondering why AJ is making itself seem so modern, when, on the world map, jamaa township hasn't updated since beta testing. THE FLIPPING GONG IS STILL THERE. Still, I kinda' like that little feature, even if it was purposely there.

Wow, I didn't realise how many art competitions I'm entering.
I'm entering 2 Moshi Monsters ones (I used to play it, I haven't been in in 3 or 4 years, but I still get promotional emails) to win "goodie" bags that I'm not bothered about, all I'm bothered about is being noticed and have my design get made graphically.
One to win a yellow long SPIEK collar (NOM NOM NOMEEE - if you're new here, you won't know that I'm very weird)
One to win a yellow short collar

Well 4 isn't loads, but still.

And he waddled away, waddle waddle waddle, 'til the very next day.

By the way, Sneezy77, if you know about this rubbish blog, and are reading this, I not only feel sorry for you having to put up with this, but I want to know why you didn't post on your inactive blog. We were annoying die-hard roleplayers together, *cries intensely*
.. dramatic music plays ..
No, AdmiralSneezyLlama! You gave in to... to... to... MINECRAFT
(I actually really like minecraft since pocket edition updated to 1.1)
But this is not a minecraft blog.

By the way, last thing, I swear that practically all animal Jam blogs are called "the animal jam (insert animal here, mythical beast, or common word).

Anyways, that's the whip!
(Jk, I'm not Nafaria from 2013)
See ya!


I feel sorry for you guys. You'll have to read this blog whilst Nafaria9 and Lostfairy are on holiday. MWAHAHHAHA!

Yesterday I came back from a camping trip thingy-mabob, and the journey back was PURE TORTURE. We had an 8 hour train journey back, and a bunch of drunk, old ladies were shouting out the lyrics to JUSTIN BEIBER (eww) calling him a true classic. Luckily they got of around halfway - outside a bar - so I slept in peace until we got back.

Today I convinced my friend to play AJ (she hadn't gone on in 2 years) where she declared that she was quitting (łęłëłėł) and gave me her star rug and 4 carnival rares.

Meh, on holiday, we took a mile walk through the woods to go to the beach most days, and I "totally" forgot that I was allergic to seawater. I come home with massive rashes and a few blisters. Ah well, it was worth it.
I hired a canoe so I could go in the sea, and this girl asked me if I could have a lift.
I said:
"Ummm... I'm not a taxi service"
And that's when she started to land the F bomb.

Oh, and by the way, I want to give a minutes silence so we can think about the fallen and the victims in the Manchester bombings.


Phew, that took a while to write.
Mai fingers hurt.

Ok, ok blogger, I get it, my post is long, that why your glitching.
I'll go shout at blogger then write a new post.

See ya!

 wow i am getting so much nostalgia just going back looking through all of this. literally if anyone sees this, even if its months later, pl...